Thursday - Monday

A big catchup! :D

As you all probably know, I do have poor memory at things and doing this big catchup thingy of every posting is one of 'em =x Well .. All i actually remembered about last thursday was that I kinda had a tiring day.. (as usual) and had guzheng lesson at night. Gotta learn a new song! :O hmm.. won't be having the lesson the next two weeks (this week and the next) so, I've got time.. I've got time :D

Besides that, I've been grumbling. Yes, grumbling. Everyone's going out to buy new year clothes and I have to stay at home and study/do homework .. Actually it wasn't so bad.. until my mom kept pestering me, asking me when I'd be going out to get em.. -.- for probably a week or 2!! T-T deprived from freedom. sobsob..

Hmmm .. Friday was as busy as the past few weeks.. came home, still had to study chengyu - I couldn't help but study on the bed, eventually falling asleep about 1 hr of visual memorizing & highlighting and making notes here and there ..

Saturday .. OHOHOH!! I LOVE YE DURING SATURDAY!! :DD i honestly don't remember why but i guess it's COS IT RELATED TO ME SO MUCH!!! in many ways, at least =.="

Sunday. Had a mini-trauma when Rachel told me I had to do hand signals. And all of a sudden she's not singing. and marcus wasn't too either since he didn't exactly reply my second msg as confirmation as to whether he was gonna sing it with Regina and me .. The weather was really really freezing cold and I guess it just added on to my nervousness =.=" However, it turned out really great and I didn't feel as nervous as I thought I'd feel I'd be! :DD And for that, I must thank for those who prayed for me and those who supported, esp. God! :DD I must say, I'm really really grateful to you guys! (: (:

Today .. Finally all the studying really paid off! :D I managed to do okay for lit and chinese. Lit essay .. well, I really don't know how much I've roughly score, but I definitely won't fail -.- Hmmm .. and chinese first section of chengyu, yan yu and guan yong yu (all in the first section), i can rest assure myself full marks! :D I mean for that section. I wouldn't dare talk about the rest.. I think due to time constraint, I manage to tikam at least 5 questions. how awesome right? :O

not -.-

Back home, finally resting :D gotta do ss assignment, followed by another lit essay.. though im really reluctant to do the essay.. :\ Hehe! see how see how =P
