
Showing posts from July, 2016

They Said

"Don't cry for idiots ," they said. "They're not worth your tears," they said. Then what about non-idiots ? Are they, then, worth my tears?


Longing It's been a few days without seeing Ben and I think I'm malfunctioning. Missing you, bæ .

A Blessing

A Blessing Lately, my youth group has been having talks about addiction to cursing/swearing/games... And I'd like to share a little about my experience. It won't take long, don't worry. I have always noticed myself holding back from the mainstream apps or games. I do this because I know that in my weakness, I'd usually get addicted to it pretty quickly. I'd end up replacing this specific app/game with the God-spot in my heart. It'd quickly rob me of true joy - joy that only the Holy Spirit can fill in my heart. No one and nothing else can. There was this one time, though having gone through this cycle many times, I'd failed to resist once again. I immersed myself in a phone app game. I paid so much for it, even. I'd never paid so much for a phone app - ever. And here I was, all ready to make necessary transactions to beautify my character. I missed doing my Quiet Time with God for many days, giving the excuse that I was too tired after playing m


"Oh Lord, give me wisdom ."

Forest by LAU

Forest by LAU Hi guys! So my friend approached me one day and asked if I could sing a part of his song.. Nope, I do not own this song, but once again I am doing a shoutout for a friend of mine. This one's called "Forest"   by LAU. Sit back, relax , sip on some coffee and enjoy! (: Click here to view more of LAU's work!

Working On It

Working On It I have some things to confess... Confession #1 : It's been at least a month since I last wrote a complete song. Confession #2 : I did not regret taking a break. Confession #3 : I just wrote a song. I think that being a creative person, I just needed to find some space and time to gather ideas. Though simply put, there were many things going on in my life and many factors contributed to the lack of enthusiasm I had for music for the past month. #1: Insecurity I'm not the best vocalist in the entire world and I don't aspire to be one. It just kinda sucks to know that I'm just average and though I kind of try to be better, it doesn't really work because my goal is simply different. I just sing to deliver my songwriting ideas across in hopes that some talent agency out there would discover my song and decide to use it. I'm not great at singing, but it is a tool to help me.. Well, I can't help but feel inferior when I see great artistes