
Showing posts from October, 2016


University I can literally cry over it. Not simply because it's stressful. That's such an understatement of what I'm going through now. I appreciate the skills and knowledge I get from my university and I totally understand how "knowledge is sweet ". I totally agree on this point by the way. But what I can't stand is how this is achieved at the expanse of something larger. Something that I recently discovered to be a part of myself. A part of my identity as a person on this earth. Having to take in something new is almost as if trading this precious part of me for something less precious. I can't let that happen... And yet, I somehow have to...? You can clearly tell my confusion in that whole paragraph alone, but trust me, it gets worse. I don't get how I am able to work on an assignment I put my blood, sweat and tears into, and forget all knowledge of it the following week (when I get back to it for edits). It's like some sort of scary nig

Pieces of myself

Desperately trying to cling on to the pieces of myself wherever I go.