
Showing posts from April, 2014


School This week was the first week of school and I already feel as though I'm halfway through the semester… Wave of assignments given… Trying my best to chiong everything… You could even say, I'm feeling a little stressed now. Despite that, God once again showed His loving kindness to me. Earlier this week, I was given an assignment where we are to do cover songs of commercially produced songs. This isn't just any cover song, the mix, tone, quality, balance, accuracy of the notes and number - and what kind - of instruments matter! As I don't know many songs, nor many people whom I know can sing the same - or almost the same - as the artistes I listen to, my choices were limited. As soon as I picked a song, "A Team", by Ed Sheeran, I found out a day later that my friend - who had the same class the day before, got briefed about the assignment the day before, had an extra day earlier as advantage to choose songs to cover - chose the same song as I did. He

Not a bed of roses

Not a bed of roses I expected such things to happen. Not specifically to certain people, but I just knew it would happen. For how can sadness leave this world when Satan is around to make people's lives miserable? By that, I mean depriving them of God. Life isn't a bed of roses. For the past few posts, I've been posting about cool stuff happening, but dear readers, if life here is as plain as water, then that's boring. Just, weird . However, that is just my view because what I see is, I can never reach that point anyway. I'm too weak , I lack knowledge, wisdom and understanding to fly in the clouds and never reach a low point. Nobody is perfect on their own to live life with full satisfaction. Being a Singaporean, I've heard we are known to be great worrywarts, even when there's clearly nothing to worry about - saying about the things that are really minor and worrying is really unnecessary. Other than it not helping the situation at all, of course

Dreams #2, Strange things happening

Dreams #2 Hey guys, it's time for a second post about this. Bear in mind that I do not assume that these are dreams from the Holy Spirit, but dreams that I am unsure of how to look at or interpret… something like that . Dream #1: This dream is about knowledge. What's an object that comes to your mind when you think about knowledge? Books . This dream was FILLED with books and more books. the books were stacked in a way that they're like walls. These walls formed a tiny room for me to stand in and sit in while browsing or reading a book. There's always a ladder in every "cube"-ish "room". The ladder will take you to another room with more books and a ladder. The ladder doesn't always make you walk up, but sideways as well. I grew up being a little claustrophobic… So the dream wasn't very pleasant for me. I only recalled this dream a couple of weeks ago and just now, hence, I'd like to record it down here. When I told this dream to a g


Songs! And so, recently, I've been working on songwriting and I came up with two songs! One fast and one slow! Yes, you've read it right. I wrote a fast song. A complete one to boot! I can't wait to finish it completely (in terms of arrangement and stuff, I got the lyrics and chords down already) and present it to my church :) The title of both songs are, ' Forever ' (fast) and ' How I Need You ' (slow). I would admit, the fast song style is adapted from Hillsongs / the song called "Freedom". That was the song that made me want to really dance and be free before the Lord. And I felt it is a good thing to feel that way (of course, knowing why you feel that way and not just because of the music, but music aids in that 'festive mood' or 'jovial mood', so to speak). God knows how we are normally like; how wild we can be, so why not in praise & adoration to Him? It feels like liberation.. we are free to live for God! We are fre


Prayer Has always been a small fraction of my priorities in life. I mean, I've never really witnessed major things happening… until recently. And so, I shall just state two very normal, yet  strange incidents that occurred recently. #1 : I'm currently having my holidays now, so it was a surprise to both Ben and myself when I appeared really tired in church on Sunday last week. I didn't have a clue why either, and up till this day am not sure of the reason. I don't think I did any strenuous exercise either, but my calves were aching OTL I was sure of it. After service that day (it was BB enrollment service, hence there was dinner!), I had some dinner. I didn't really have any appetite due to some reasons and I really was feeling worn out… Right before I ate, Ben offered to pray for me, and he was praying for my left leg apparently. Then after that, my left leg not aching already. I was a bit puzzled because it's not like it was that obvious a supernatural

Dreams #1

Dreams #1 Technically, this post shouldn't be a '#1', but since it is the first that would be talking solely about my dreams, I shall leave the title as that. Oh right, these dreams are those that I've yet to interpret or found someone to interpret for me.. Strange dreams, but.. oh well. Here it goes. I'm not sure if these are surely dreams from the Holy Spirit, but they stayed with me for quite some time and I'm starting to think, it might be. #1: This dream was some time ago, probably beginning of this year or last year. This dream took place in my church. There I was near the foyer, outside the door to the sanctuary. I knelt down beside this little girl, she couldn't be any older than 5 years old. Curly hair, skin a little dark brown and like any other toddler, she had those adorable chubby cheeks! She was crying though. Apparently, her family was about to leave the church (it seemed like she wasn't local and she came with a group of people w


Weeping Many weeks have passed and I must say, I have never felt so much joy, amazement and be so filled with awe for God. The bright and happy moments were something new that I felt. So was what I felt today. It's not new per say, but it was kinda the same thing with a stronger conviction. It saddens my heart to see things the way it is and how sinful I am, knowing that with every sinful thing that I do - or anything at all that causes a negative influence to others - I am contributing to this very devastating state of things. I know God uses me still, despite my weaknesses and all sorts of sinfulness. But I also know that because of this, many will draw closer to Christ, and many also will pull away from Christ. If I learnt anything today, miracles may be normal and inspiring or encouraging in one christian's faith, but because of how ridiculous and impossibly amazing these miracles are, out of the norm, yet FEELS normal, people will doubt. Opposition will rise. The dev