

Has always been a small fraction of my priorities in life. I mean, I've never really witnessed major things happening… until recently.

And so, I shall just state two very normal, yet strange incidents that occurred recently.

I'm currently having my holidays now, so it was a surprise to both Ben and myself when I appeared really tired in church on Sunday last week. I didn't have a clue why either, and up till this day am not sure of the reason. I don't think I did any strenuous exercise either, but my calves were aching OTL I was sure of it. After service that day (it was BB enrollment service, hence there was dinner!), I had some dinner. I didn't really have any appetite due to some reasons and I really was feeling worn out… Right before I ate, Ben offered to pray for me, and he was praying for my left leg apparently. Then after that, my left leg not aching already. I was a bit puzzled because it's not like it was that obvious a supernatural thing or anything. Then I tried lifting myself up with my right leg, it hurt. I tried with my left leg, it didn't hurt. Um….

Last Saturday, after Ben sent me home after dinner, I prayed for his ankle. Nothing happened. We were both pretty much sad.. I mean, other people whom I prayed for got healed in some way, but he didn't feel anything at all (the pain was still there, it has been there for some time already). I continued praying for him in the next few days. I really wanted God to show Himself to us, like, DO something because we believe God is out there somewhere and it would be nice to know He saw us and listened to our prayers and did something… It's more than just looking or appearing dumb as you pray a prayer of declaration, it's like a desperate cry out to Him because you really, really want to feel Him, feel His presence so near. Today Ben had his ippt test. Up till yesterday and this afternoon, his ankle hurt. As soon as I woke up, I prayed for him again. It was all gloomy skies when I woke up (around 2pm). Then I wished Ben all the best as he did his test. Guess what? The pain in his ankle didn't act up during the test! Praise God :p He even blessed him with great weather for running today. Although the skies seemed gloomy today, there wasn't any heavy rain or anything bad enough to cancel ippt. :) And yay! he passed ippt too! :D :D So happy for him!

Yeah. Strange things do happen huh?

I feel the need to seek the Lord even more so every day now. I can't wait to see what He has in store for me! A little afraid, maybe even intimidated, but as long as I know I'm not journeying this path alone, it should be pretty exciting! ;)
