
Showing posts from February, 2015

Back to work

Back to work. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I had a pretty depressing day two days ago... It's been a long time, but I'm glad today's topic addressed the very core issue! Accountability . Maybe all I had been thirsting for was accountability to be established in this little cottage.. Anyways, although school has ended for me, I'm considering about what I'd wanna do after poly... I've actually done some research and felt that Belmont University might be right for me.. Then again, I don't really know about the procedures and stuff.. Also... what will I do if I really get accepted there? :( I can't bear to leave everything behind... I need to work maybe. I need to do something. something. maybe I'll be tribute too. haha... sigh. I've still got some leftover work to do, so shall get to that soon! I must say... listening to more of my course mates' originals has got me feeling more motivated, yet discouraged at the same time... B

I don't want to grow up. Respond.

I don't want to grow up. I don't see anything wrong with feeling that way now. My whole life has been chasing the "dream" of adulthood. Just when I'm entering it, I want to be a kid again. Perhaps due to insecurity of my future, perhaps I just want to because I missed out on some bits of my childhood/teen life. What's wrong? Oh here's what's wrong: "When you mature, you'll control your anger". Oh. So if I just wanna be a kid now, it means I'm not supposed to be able to control it right? There. There you have it, people. So for goodness' sake, if you're disturbed by my behavior now and cannot understand (I have already stated it in the beginning of the previous paragraph), please. just. don't talk to me. thanks. not that I hate you or anything, but it saves both you and myself the trouble of any stupid drama. I just want to be a kid, I don't want to be a idiotic angst kid. What's wrong with taking that h