
Showing posts from May, 2013


Shaking. 10 things I thank God for . 1) PRESENTATION IS OVER. YESSSS!!!!! 2) Though I was nervous, I wasn't shot at. so... so... relieved.... OTL 3) Being progressive after being taught a lesson about procrastination! 4) Being the very solution I need to get out of potholes. 5) Happy hormones? haha! :p 6) Having memories. 7) Helping me to see the importance of having a close relationship with Him. 8) MY EARS. MY SO VERY VERY GOOD AND IMPORTANT-TO-ME-FOR-THE-REST-OF-L-MY-LIFE EARS!!! 9) Air-con remote controls -_- 10) Learning guzheng for 10 years did not go to waste at all. ~ ~ ~ Shaking . I was really, really shaking during the presentation. My mind was blank and I didn't get to say what I rehearsed somewhat many times at home ._." I learnt that procrastinating won't bring you anywhere. I mean, sure, you can push it aside on some day given the reason you're not feeling well so you excuse yourself, but that doesn't mean you can keep doing i


Crash. 10 things I thank God for . 1) Presentation Day is tomorrow and probably won't be as intimidating as I thought it'd be - not saying that there's no pressure. haha! 2) I got to have some crumble fudge choc - dunno what - I think.. for a reward for practicing so hard! yay. 3) Despite me being really glued to the piano recently, Ben has not loved me any less when I'd spent less time with him/texting him. (: 4) I get to edit my demo soon! (after all the stressful days of preparing for the presentation tomorrow...) 5) Encouragement from those around me; family & friends.. 6) My Protector. 7) For blessing me with yet another day to prepare for my presentation tomorrow - mentally. 8) Being able to catch up with the girls; Jel & Bel, today :D :D 9) Being able to laugh off certain things. 10) Making me strong. ~ ~ ~ Yea. So from the list above, clearly, my presentation which I really really hoped to do today will be tomorrow. -_- I EVEN REQUE


Lazy. it has been seriously getting to me lately. 10 things I thank God for . 1) Organization. 2) NO MORE TRANSCRIPTIONS TO DO MUAHAHA - for now. 3) This is the last week of school before the holiday tidal wave hits the shore~ 4) I'm progressing well with my practice/preparation for this wednesday... I think. hahaha 5) Making me feel so much better than previous days - less stressed 6) Helping me to see I just need to do my best for Him, He will be proud of me, even when other people aren't. 7) INVENTION OF JACKETS. 8) Orlie's new skinny-skinny look now that just keeps me laughing everytime she just sits there and stare pathetically right into my eyes. (your fur will grow, my dear!) 9) Motivating me to accomplish something I've been just procrastinating... 10) A comfy bed to sleep in. ;) ~ ~ ~ Haha, well, I've been feeling stressed lately, hence the irregular posts. And also I think I'm still not used to blogging every day - I now realise


GAH. I LOST TRACK. WHAT DAY IS IT ALREADY?! 10 things I thank God for . 1) A REALLY SUPER DUPER DUPER AMAZING THING HAPPENED TODAY. AFFIRMATION. Helped/supported a friend in need. Turns out, the person who he turned to before, said the same thing as I did! WHOA.  O-O 2) Bob (my DMAT senior) is really really nice. got to have an extra lesson on random REMT stuff with him & some friends today ^^ 3) Telling me I'm not alone. 4) Sending His Son to die on the cross for His people. 5) Giving me today to live. 6) GOOD INFLUENCE. 7) Being able to accomplish stufffssss todayyyy! 8) I HAD CLOSE TO 3 HOURS OF REST. THIS IS AWESOME. I kept dreaming of me fainting lol. probably a sign, a reminder that I should be resting more or I'd become like that haha. 9) Soothing piano music to calm my nerves. 10) Unconditional love . ~~~ Yes, I haven't been blogging... I've been so stressed, fatigue just consumed me. I'm hoping I can blog every day after my stre

15th Day

15th Day 10 things I thank God for . 1) I've been inspired with a pretty nice-catchy tune! May write a new song soon! :D :D 2) I'm getting fluent with "Love Me" by Yiruma :) 3) THE DEADLINE FOR TRANSCRIPTION IS EXTENDED TO NEXT MONDAY BECAUSE THIS FRIDAY IS A PUBLIC HOLIDAY! WOOHOOO!!!! 4) My course that I'm studying/ 5) Electricity. O_O really. 6) Being able to draw strength, courage and wisdom from Him. 7) I probably have said this before but.. I really thank God for lessons. Talking about lessons from classrooms to life lessons not instructed, not spoken, but shown  and learnt through actions - whether it has got to do with me or not - in my daily life. 8) Extra storage space to back up my files - y a y ! 9) Being able to plan out what I wanted to do today, and accomplish it. 10) Having time to relax despite my pretty stressful - literally, or as perceived - schedule nowadays. ~~~ So those are the 10 things I'd like to give thanks to G

14th Day

14th Day 10 things I thank God for . 1) I could easily complete a four-bar melody w chords (including on borrowed chord in there) task during music theory thanks to "Paper planes"! 2) I could complete "Love Me" by Yiruma yesterday. My standard of it now is pretty okay. 3) Being able to spend time with Ben today. 4) Ben who helped me to see things clearer and in a better light such that I'm not as stressed as before. 5) Teaching me lessons that benefit my future, that give glory to God. 6) Having a feast earlier with my family. (We even had Secret Recipe - bought from M'sia last wednesday - with a scoup of vanilla haagen daaz ice-cream for dessert!!) 7) Watching over my sis as she does CIP in Philippines. 8) Being a God whom I can rely on. 9) Planning this - life - route for me. 10) Allowing me to use this "10 things" list to remind me to be positive and God-centred. ~~~ Well, I don't really have much to say so.. yup! :) :)

13th Day

13th Day. 10 things I thank God for . 1) Sermons. again. I like the way shu ling preaches. It's very precise; to the point. then again, I'm not being bias, but I feel I see things clearer when she preaches haha.. :x (about same frequency) But, yes, pastor Jo, pastor william and invited guest speakers! I don't mean to offend anyone >.< actually some guest speakers are really funny too... HAHA okay, moving on... 2) Christianity being about reconciliation (one of the beatitudes, Matthew 5) 3) I Am Nothing without CHRIST. C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N. 4) Reminding me who I am, who He is. 5) Encouragement. 6) Being safe, not having any diseases, etc. My family, cousins, relatives... 7) Being close to my parents, enough to tease them, yet not go overboard; know my limits. 8) Parents. 9) Development in Singapore. 10) Maturing. ~ ~ ~ God is love . Saying that really makes my day. Well, I do apologise - again, as of late >.< - that I keep posting stuff past

12th Day.

12th Day. 10 things I thank God for . 1) I got to got out with Qing today and got a red beanie and a 'geek' (caption) shirt! :D Had an awesome time fellowshipping. 2) Exposure to different instruments! I got to try out the bass yesterday. Super cool *-* And I wanted to type this yesterday, but I forgot ahahaha~ 3) Whoever invented the machines to make waffles. like, belgian waffles. and the idea of them with vanilla ice-cream and maple syrup.... *drools* 4) I'm getting closer to the younger ones in YE. 5) People who listen. 6) Understanding parents. They learn to let their children go when it's time. 7) Pastor Andrew. Yes, he talks a lot, but mostly shares a lot of wonderful testimonies :D 8) The "Accountability" lesson today, led by Daniel Pflug. 9) Helping Clara through the stressful period of preparing for worship :) It turned out great!! :D :D 10) Church friends. ~ ~ ~ I've probably... added a new colour to my favourite colour li

NOTICE!! *poem blog*

NOTICE!! *POEM BLOG* As some of you might know - those who do read my poem blog , I've decided to make it private due to copyright reasons. heh. so if you do wanna continue reading, do tell me your google e-mail - in the tagboard or you can just e-mail me - and I'll add you in the reader's list! ;D -THE END-

10th &11th Day.

10th Day. 10 things I thank God for . 1) In my low times, I have people around me to comfort me. 2) I have friends who're willing to help me with my song - regarding arranging. 3) He has not and will never forsake me. 4) I got to enjoy a brownie my mom bought in m'sia from Secret Recipe . 5) LogicPro. MIDI samples. 6) Psychologists. Doctors. 7) Loving me. 8) Understanding me. 9) Providing for my daily needs. 10) Telling me to get that package (mic, mic stand, A.I., etc). ~~~ I do apologise for skipping two days. I've been pretty busy this week, and unfortunately, will only be so much more busier in the weeks to come. Yes, I guess by that statement you can be quick to judge; right to say... I'm feeling pessimistic again. I guess it's because of the days I skipped this " 10 things " thing, and well, not only that, but I've been falling asleep during my QT every night. Problem: School's becoming increasingly stressful for me. An

7th Day

7th Day. 10 things I thank God for. 1) I had the privilege to eat the last mee sua.. before it ran out. yes, the one and only . 2) Got to enjoy some Nutella N' Banana Crépe after class today! :D :D 3) My ez-link card actually had enough money to tap in, otherwise I'd be late for class having to top it up and having the risk of missing my train...... haha.. =.= 4) Got to spend quality time again with my parents & ben; had dinner together, did the clearing up together, watched the 9pm (channel 8) show together, oh yeah! and some movie that's.. something... " reacher ". I can't remember, but it's the name of the main character's name. 5) I'm fortunate to have recorded my vocals (one verse and one chorus) last friday cos I need to finish up a demo of that length by this thursday. 6) I felt relief while praying with ben before we parted ways (literally, I don't mean like, break up, okay. I meant like, go back home . lol.) 7) My dad

6th Day

6th Day. 10 things I thank God for . 1) The speaker today was so hilarious I was literally leaning forward and laughing the whole time - yes, I paid attention. really glad this was the message for today. 2) I got to eat my fav. fried tofu for lunch & dinner! mmm~~ 3) Got to also eat the yummy herbal jelly (luo han duo flavour) :O 4) I AM NOT SICK TODAY YES!!!!! :D :D 5) I am still living now. 6) Being able to spend time with my parents watching ABTM 2~ 7) I can finally eat the rittersport choc :3 8) I'm progressing with "Scream". 9) I was encouraged with regards to songwriting. 10) My parents are as lame & fun to be with. ~ ~ ~ I am.. so so.. so.. sorry i didn't prepare anything for my mom today. Instead, she was doing all the cooking for our meals. oh my gosh. I feel so bad. MOM, IM GOING TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IN JUNE. YOU'LL SEE OKAY. T-T OTL okay. so here I am, blogging everyday since Tuesday (this week) and....

5th day

5th day going with the usual.. 10 things I thank God for. 1) I was able to wake up kinda on time even after actually unknowingly instead of snoozing my alarm, I turned it off... 2) the audition went pretty okay I think! 3) I was pretty content and knew in my heart that even if I didn't get the role, I know God wants me elsewhere for a purpose. 4) I was really sick in the morning/afternoon but was really way better in the evening. I think as of now I have no fever already. :D :D 5) despite my sickness, as I worshipped God (lead worship) today, I felt this great sense of relief, like literally nothing was holding me back. "Rejoice rejoice~" was all that was in my head :D 6) Jarell sang with me! He sang for the very first time in YE! YAY!!! I really really enjoyed singing with him :D :D good job jarell! 7) Ben bought me rittersport (cornflakes flavour) yesterday and gave it to me today to reward me for a doing a good job with worship (praise & adoration) t

4th Day

4th Day 10 things I thank God for. 1) I wrote a new song. 2) Today's lessons were rather relaxing. 3) I managed to record about a couple of takes for "Paper Planes"'s Verse 1 and 1st Chorus. Just the vocals. p.s. the reverb in the music room is totally awesome, I LOVE IT!! 4) Finally can hand in transcription for "A Whole New World". #senseofaccomplishment 5) Nice people in my course. Never actually realised till this year. 6) Ben drove me home to get my equipment for recording. Even drove me back home and sent me up, helping my to carry the equipment ^^ 7) Friends who motivate and encourage you to do better. 8) My mom who bought my fav carrot cake this morning for my breakfast. 9) I could apply my poetic skills into writing secular music/lyrics. awesome. (This is part of the first point, but still separate things, me feels.) 10) My comfy, comfy bed, pillow, bolster, soft toys, blankie. ~~~ Well I woke up with a bit of sore throat which


10 things I thank God for. In case some of you are wondering, I'm actually typing this on Thursday, past midnight. 1) my mom sent me to school today 2) I actually continued working on my song titled "Paper Planes". JJ helped me with the basic chords (im just so tired of transcribing.. I needed help, okay) yesterday and I edited it a little and added some sevenths~ 3) great friends in school who have never ending happenings 4) I got to taste that sucking grass jelly thing after so so long!! 5) "A Whole New World" really brings me to a magical place. 6) MUSIC THEORY . 7) seniors whom I can depend on and look for when I need help. 8) orlie who brightened up my mood when I entered the house. She just went wagging her tail - her entire butt was moving too - and squealing happily was just so happy to see me. aw...  <3 p="">9) I finally got to understand the importance of noise gate and how to use it 10) AIR-CON!!!! ~~~ Okay, so I


10 things 1) I thank God that the weather was cooling in the morning and in the early evening. 2) I thank God that my music theory song for transcribing (for this week) is just one page long. 3) I thank God that song is a favourite song when I was little. "A Whole New World". 4) I thank God that I have a CF-er in same sip class as me, so he can chase me to go for CCA right after. 5) I thank God that my group members in SIP are really funny and interactive. 6) I thank God that I got to enjoy Mac N' Cheese with subway's Cream of Mushroom soup for my "first-half of my dinner" with a friend. 7) I thank God that CF was very welcoming, and I got to get closer to my new friends I made with last week. 8) I thank God Luke came. 9) I thank God that my mom cares about me. 10) I thank God that my parents are growing spiritually and are rubbing off good influence (spiritually) on me. So... I've decided to make it a habit to think of 10 things to give


CF. Christian Fellowship. And so I have a new nickname in CF. the "pon-ster". heh heh. Not that I'm proud of it, really. I just did not put my CCA at the top of my priority list... As a result, I didn't turn up for most of CF sessions. Well, I guess it's also due to my inactivity that my fb group for CF even disappeared from my column..... (which explains why I never/stopped receiving notifications about ANYTHING regarding CF. that included today's session. -.- and CCA fair!! ): I wanted to help sia. and get some cca points man. -.- pfft.) Ah well. Still got next year I guess.. I gotta go to CF more often now. Even more so now that I'm trying to get a scholarship... ._. so hard. sigh. Well, purposes aside, I'm glad I came today! I'm always happy at the end of every CF session because I feel refreshed, renewed, and encouraged in my faith by those around me - those who attended the session. I never regretted joining CF you know, in case som