6th Day

6th Day.

things I thank God for.

1) The speaker today was so hilarious I was literally leaning forward and laughing the whole time - yes, I paid attention. really glad this was the message for today.
2) I got to eat my fav. fried tofu for lunch & dinner! mmm~~
3) Got to also eat the yummy herbal jelly (luo han duo flavour) :O
5) I am still living now.
6) Being able to spend time with my parents watching ABTM 2~
7) I can finally eat the rittersport choc :3
8) I'm progressing with "Scream".
9) I was encouraged with regards to songwriting.
10) My parents are as lame & fun to be with.


I am.. so so.. so.. sorry i didn't prepare anything for my mom today. Instead, she was doing all the cooking for our meals. oh my gosh. I feel so bad. MOM, IM GOING TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY IN JUNE. YOU'LL SEE OKAY. T-T


okay. so here I am, blogging everyday since Tuesday (this week) and.... I'm starvin'. Okay, I know it has absolutely no relevance there but.. I'm just typing what comes to my mind okay. My stomach's growling, I can't help it. -_-

Okay, so some info linin' up!

1) I've decided to explore main service. The orientation's on 25th May and I'll be attending it. :) :)

2) For CF this tuesday, it'll be a chillin' out session/dinner at clementi. Luke's territory. he happy la. tsk.

I have no idea what to expect - exactly - from this week.. so it's making me a little nervous but.. nonetheless! I shall face it head on. okay. that's all folks!~
