
Showing posts from August, 2013

I guess..

I guess.. I do repel people after all . *warning: not a positive post. please do exit this page if you do not wish to be dragged down - emotionally.* Somehow.. whenever that happens, I always get angry. My mind is filled with endless anger of many many questions. What had I done wrong to deserve this? Why doesn't anyone tell me at all? Why does this happen and how did I not foresee it? Can I ever trust people again? Should I ever take a step to trust people? How could it be my fault? I was doing it for his/her own good. What?? Hao Xin Mei Hao Bao??! I hate you, why on earth would you not tell me when I trusted you so much? I blame that person. I blame myself. Nowadays when these things happen, I don't even want to talk to God about it because I'll start asking Him why, why, why, and He won't tell me, because that won't be the point . I mean, what's the point in knowing all that now? I hate it when people do the things I hate myself for doing. One of


Burden It's a heavy burden we all carry, a heavy burden everyone must carry. It's sad enough to know everyone in the world - yes, including yourself - falls short of the glory of God. We sin, we make mistakes, we make people mad, people go into war - for trivial matters or not... Now, it's also scary to know everybody's lives, choices they make, which lead to perhaps attaining their salvation or not (through the relationship with Christ), is in everybody's hands. Every single person . If you'd caused the other person to drift away from Christ, that's something. Sin is doing whatever that is apart from God. It's more than stealing, murdering, adultery, etc. Accountability . Scary, sad, REAL. And I think it's time I take a step back to view what I'd done.. and whether or not I've been taking this whole "Accountability" thing seriously.

Rush Rush Rush

Rush Rush Rush Sorry, this is not gonna be the usual post.. Gah.. *rants* I gotta... Finish up my report.. I'm left with one section .. plusplus... Gotta print it out, gotta... Erm.. Burn my song into a DVD and... SYNC assignments into a CD.. and.. study SYNC (for tomorrow) and.... write notes for my friends. yes, I'm planning to write notes for em. Cos... I... WANT TO. muahaha. okay. nah, it's actually cos I won't be seeing some of them till school reopens in October. Shall go write them a message of appreciation or somethin' like that. yes, I dare say this here cos I doubt any of my school friends read this anyway xD hehe~ Alrights. GOODDDAAYYY FOLKS!~ Gotta rush off.

Paper Planes

Paper Planes I'm gonna present my song on thursday! Yay~~ :D :D :D


T-T How do you describe this feeling... You take a step forward, happy you're progressing, do everything you can to move forward, you're slowly improving. Then, when it comes a time you show it to everyone, you're really back to square one. ....aaand...... everyone stares at you in disbelief? I have a question. Isn't Cadd9 a C D E G ? I mean, like, C E G D, but I change the notes la... that's add 9 what... no meh? Isn't C maj 9 or C9 then with the 7th note? what? UGHHHH *hits my head against the wall* OTL T-T I really did improve..... I just didn't get to get what I wanted to achieve or planned to achieve because I was so busy this term....... T-T I'm not lying... TT^TT *Cries my eyeballs out* I'm just desperate to get my As. It's one of the modules I'm confident of getting As at. I dunno.

Hey Guys!

HEY GUYS! I'm blogging on my phone cos blogging using my laptop is .... well.. Ain't nobody got time for that! Haha nah kidding. It's cos I'm actually in bed already, all ready to sleep then this came to my mind, so I thought of typing it out here before copying and pasting it onto blogger to post it up here~ Normally when someone gets angry at another person, it's because he/she has harbored ill-feelings towards this certain person - may be short-term or long-term - because of something that happened previously. When I say previously, I refer to a wide range, from 7 secs ago, all the way to 5 years ago. The issue could be about anything, as long as it contains some bit of negativity in it, yup. That's where it starts. So how can we tell how long? It's depends on how much fury this person unleashes. Most of the time if it's unleashed in a group setting.. Woot. It's like a volcano erupting in a garden of flowers - strange analogy, I know, b

While I can.

While I can. That's really an unusual title, but considering my circumstances now, I would think it's appropriate. So today I skipped school to do my work... I would say I'm quite satisfied, but, not quite. I planned to do .. REMT 1) combine tracks 2) Report 3) Mix? SYNC 1) Assignment 1 2) Assignment 2 3) Assignment 5 4) Assignment 6 BUMS 1) finish essay (first section) 2) do second section (identify 5 problems in the given contract) PERP 1) video 2) plan what to present next week MUST 1) finish up whatever And...... so I did finish Assignment 5 of SYNC, MUST, the first section for my assignment for BUMS.... I attempted doing PERP vid, but due to some phone space issues, I had to record separately.. I mean, I'm with half of the video, at least. (ah yes, I have to edit out the THOUSAND AND ONE N.G.s too) Sigh. This week Tigris is on duty and I'm not even sure if I'm up to it, but I guess I have no choice. I can only hope I just hav