
Showing posts from May, 2008
Daydream "What's so fun and nice about reading books?" I kept asking myself . Two reasons why : `` reading books will help me gain more knowledge (which I want to have) `` reading books will take away most of my time - so that when im bored, I'll just read a book to occupy my time . Besides, reading books is NOT wasting my time away ;]] And why did I suddenly came up with this book thing ..? Well, since my mum's going to vietnam on a mission trip tomorrow, I might be free, just a little while, since my mum won't be here to nag at me so much ... But still, if no one's gonna do it, I have to . 'Cos no one, and I mean no one , will ever have initiative to do it . That is, if my dad is busy . But seriously! Sometimes he's lazy too okay`` See, I've got this problem of sleeping .. How weird is that? VERY . I guess im too obssessed with the book "ALL-AMERICAN GIRL" . You know, this story is WAY funny and very.. like an everyday-me kind

So pissed .

Today, during self-revision period, everyone had to stay in class . Well, we are supposed to stay in class . Just that, most of the time, 3/4 of my class will be wandering somewhere else, like treat self-revision period as free period or recess de . So, we stayed back in the classroom to discuss our class item to perform on Saturday night ( apprec. night ) . I didn't like the idea of the whole story line, as in, I don't quite agree with the people doing what-so-ever job they are doing . Anyways, it's also not my problem . It can't be because of one person (me) to change everyone's jobs to the skit . Oh yeah, btw, we are performing a skit . Actually, we wanted to put dance in it too, but many people rejected and said there was no time to come up with the dance moves and everything . So, they just include a small part of the dance in the skit . Actually, I was one of the dancers, but because we have never rehearsed before, not even once, so never mind loh . But now,
HEYY . Guess what? Tml I have stupid NAPFA test -.- You know, MY THIGHS ARE STILL ACHING AFTER YTD'S PE LESSON!!! Anyways, my class is a total mess , the sec 1 iDiscover camp is this week, actually, on Friday . The class item is a mess, Nadia was like so angry with us. And she shouted, close-like Mrs Teo who shouted at my class. Anyways, let me give u a rough introduction of my actors ;]] Mrs Teo; A strict, but nice teacher . She's a great PE teacher, dunnid to run much x]] Anyways, because my my class, the WORST generation in PL now, Mrs Teo burst into flames - literally . Nadia; A mature young lady. Though sometimes her behaviour make me so.. ughh.. I just ignore it. She knows what to do, at the right time. A very disciplined girl. - Must be because her father is a choir instructor. After Nadia " scolded " us, my class got a bit.. guilty? I guess.. But anyways, they went back to become the idiot attitude ag
Yay~ My After-many-blogs de blog~ ==