
Showing posts from July, 2020

A New Life

Living independently requires so much in a person. I never thought I'd enter into it so quickly, but under current circumstances, here I am. Life still feels pretty empty and I'm not sure where to fit "consequences" into my dictionary. To me, everything is a chain of effect. Nothing is entirely good, therefore, everything that it gives birth to is somewhat bad. And if everything is somewhat bad, what is the point of striving to be good if it'll just spiral into darkness? I suppose that's when God comes into the picture. Without Him, I'm absolutely hopeless. But guess what, I chose to overlook that. And I'm starting to wonder if that had been the root issue the entire time. Nevertheless, I choose to believe that although things have become so complicated, there is some good in the situation. And at the very least, I want to know what that is. Because right now, what is good, what is bad... feels all the same to me. I feel I have nothing left to l