
Showing posts from June, 2013

4 Days Ago

On Vacation Do note that whatever that follows after this paragraph is what I typed 4 days ago. Yes, I'm typing this paragraph on Sunday night, although it says Monday morning cos it's 12.59AM PEOPLE! :D Yup, so hope you'll enjoy reading it! #longpost :D ~ ~ ~ And so I'm in the train now, currently "blogging" in my phone. Technically, writing a note in it, after which I'm gonna copy and paste it on to my blog when I get some wifi. (Btw, I'm in Taiwan and photos are up almost every day on my Facebook page! :D) As I've been awhile for some time now, here, in Taiwan (taipei&hualian), it has been a very humbling experience for me. This very important lesson I learnt, through my family, especially my grandparents. Yup, they came along with us.. Things started off pretty tough. You know, with grandparents being naggy, noisy and all. Worse , on our first day, we got lost trying to find the hotel to book in hahaha :\ everyone was pretty flust


MIA I'll be mia-ing guys. 9-15 June. Taiwan trip. bye.


BUSYBUSYBUSY. 10 things I thank God for . 1) I ate a feast (BBQ) today! :> 2) Enjoyed the company of Ben & friends :D 3) Got to taste the extremely extremely good bolo buns near my house. Shared them with some of my friends too! :D 4) Having people around who appreciate me, my works, what I do. 5) It all comes down to spending time with God, so... solitude. Thank God for solitude, silent moments where I just dwell in His presence. 6) Realising that everything is meaningless (refer to book of Ecclesiastes). 7) My couple friends! I mean, they're really fun to hang out with, like double dates, etc. 8) It's the holidays, I can relax, yet not entirely, cos I'll be learning while working on my assignments.. which is a good thing. Relaxedly learning . or vice versa . 9) Letting me retain my memories. I HAVE MEMORIES TO LOOK BACK ON AND SAY, " Hey, I had a GREAT childhood ." 10) I'm starting to have studio slots :D To work on my song, that is.