
Showing posts from 2015

Close To You by Carpenters (Cover)

Close To You by Carpenters (Cover) So I decided to do a cover for the first time. (: One of my all-time favs.

Confused Identity

Confused Identity All this talk about having an identity.. I feel to many... in fact, to the majority of the world, they easily find who they are and act out of who they are. There is a small fraction of people - like me - who still can't figure it out. For a long time, I got stuck at that stage. I was very short-tempered because I couldn't find an answer that was obvious to so many other people. Some of them already know who they are, they act out of who they really are inside naturally. Some don't even realize they are already living out themselves. Me? I always thought I was satisfied. But my body said otherwise. My voice always quavered as if I was unsure or afraid of something. I always tend to frown. I walked with my back hunched. I walked with my head hung over most of the time without realizing it - and I'm not even a tall person (based on the assumption of people saying that tall people tend to slouch and all because they feel they stand out too much). I wasn

Driving Test Tomorrow!!

Driving Test Tomorrow!! *freaks out* It's been so many months of learning and tomorrow is finally the test date. I'm worried as I've been feeling rather since past few days, especially since yesterday. I hope I'll get sufficient rest tonight, so I can focus well on the road and my surroundings tomorrow! Don't wanna see my instructors again... I mean, I really, really, really want to pass... OTL

Thought of the day

Freedom is as beautiful as a blooming lily, but is capable of being dangerous like fire. As such, so is love. Hence, the importance of wisdom and hope, and also the reason for boundaries set in place for a fallen world. #thoughtoftheday

Thought of the day

It's always after crying, you feel like you can laugh at anything. #thoughtoftheday 

What now?

What now? As I sat at the table with my youth pastor and other leaders of the youth group, I was lost in my own thoughts. I had my burdens outside, accumulated and I brought it along with me to today's meeting. Well, for one, not sure if I wrote it here in the blog, but I've come to a point where I have to make a decision on what I wanted to do for my future. So far, it's not clear, and I feel really insecure. If anything, that was at least one of my top worries..../burden... since I would most probably have to provide for people I love - I want to . That brings me to what this post'll be about. We were praying to receive from the Lord a word/message/image/revelation with regards to having a youth camp at the end of the year. I was totally disengaged by my own thoughts and worries, but I tried my best to focus. At the end of everything, I went home. I was talking to Luke for a good 4 minutes before my train stop arrived. It was then I realised... thinking about the

How Satan Stops Our Prayers

How Satan Stops Our Prayers Hey there, it's been awhile. Today I'd just like to share about a video a friend shared with me. However, before I do so, I'd like to say a few things.. Last week as I heard my friend give his testimony about fasting and what he realised fasting did to him, I was.. let's say, I didn't quite understand. He shared with me this video (which you will later on see) and after watching it - in fact, while I was watching it - I felt my heart move. Well, I mean, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me something and tears welled up in my eyes. I began to realise my many defeats and began to see the battlefield again which I lost sight of. I knew there was a battlefield. I knew I was fighting, but the severity of it all? I lost it. I lost sight of it all. That was serious because I realised how lukewarm I became. Now, I've never done this before and I am about to pray about it tonight, but I feel I should fast - for the first time - and seek G

Back to work

Back to work. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I had a pretty depressing day two days ago... It's been a long time, but I'm glad today's topic addressed the very core issue! Accountability . Maybe all I had been thirsting for was accountability to be established in this little cottage.. Anyways, although school has ended for me, I'm considering about what I'd wanna do after poly... I've actually done some research and felt that Belmont University might be right for me.. Then again, I don't really know about the procedures and stuff.. Also... what will I do if I really get accepted there? :( I can't bear to leave everything behind... I need to work maybe. I need to do something. something. maybe I'll be tribute too. haha... sigh. I've still got some leftover work to do, so shall get to that soon! I must say... listening to more of my course mates' originals has got me feeling more motivated, yet discouraged at the same time... B

I don't want to grow up. Respond.

I don't want to grow up. I don't see anything wrong with feeling that way now. My whole life has been chasing the "dream" of adulthood. Just when I'm entering it, I want to be a kid again. Perhaps due to insecurity of my future, perhaps I just want to because I missed out on some bits of my childhood/teen life. What's wrong? Oh here's what's wrong: "When you mature, you'll control your anger". Oh. So if I just wanna be a kid now, it means I'm not supposed to be able to control it right? There. There you have it, people. So for goodness' sake, if you're disturbed by my behavior now and cannot understand (I have already stated it in the beginning of the previous paragraph), please. just. don't talk to me. thanks. not that I hate you or anything, but it saves both you and myself the trouble of any stupid drama. I just want to be a kid, I don't want to be a idiotic angst kid. What's wrong with taking that h