
Showing posts from April, 2011

I know, dad, I know.

Future. Wouldn't it be great if I'd just say all I want to do in life in future is to work as a kindergarten teacher? Then again, even a qualification is needed for that, and it's to get a diploma/degree in child psych in NP. or something. Then would you also think, wouldn't it be even greater that I've got 4 paths to choose? Four great paths to choose? First path is to excel in academics in NYJC, Second path is to excel in composing using tech. in SP, Third path is to excel in child psych (in NP) to be a kindergarten teach in future, Fourth path is to excel in chinese music (guzheng) in NAFA. Then again, I can only choose one path. And the path that people are telling me to go for, the path that somewhat God may be is narrowing me to is composing and guzheng. But why did I want to have the other two options? Well, for the first one, nope, I didn't want it. The opportunity would be given freely to me - if only I'd DSA . For the other option? Well.. the reaso

God's grace

SYF It's been rather crazy with the anxiety in everyone as they go around telling each other how afraid they were. As for this syf, I would say, is by far the first (and last) most anxious competition ever. We were told that the front few before our group had GWH before. and they had a record. meaning it's not just one year that they get GWH, but consecutively.. and it was about at least 5 schools.. Pretty nerve-wrecking if you asked me =.= It was all pretty rushed and we barely had time to think. But we stayed together. We prayed together. And I was very much sure that each and everyone did their very best because during the actual SYF, guang ling san.. was really.. really.. good. Really! I would even dare to say that it's much better than the chun jie xu qu. The whole atmosphere was there. That heavy atmosphere. And I loved the beginning "555 1 - .." It totally brought the audience to a few thousand years back.. Even I had goosebumps just for that two bars. :O A


Using the computer. Certainly a different feeling. well, different keyboards, that is. and the screen. this is so much wider. haha I hope the paragraph problem thing won't happen here.. Well, the reason why I used the computer today instead of my laptop is because I've been wanting to watch kimi ni todoke season 2 episode 12 (final episode!!) since roughly 2-3 weeks ago, but my laptop refused to let me watch it!! DD; And so I'm currently watching it now :D just done with part 1, now moving on to part 2. gahh! so excited to see how this anime ends! ... Whoa. the best anime I've ever watched. really. Though it's a pretty short anime for such a great storyline/plot, I think they ended off really well! (: hehe yes, and some random parts. haha! Hmm .. alright now about my day. Thank God that He's given me plenty of rest today! :D Didn't exactly run for morning jog today. well, it wasn't just me either. everyone walked! haha! Well, I wanted to enjoy the cool m


This is gonna be short. Started off with my dear classmates singing "black friday"'s chorus "it's friday, friday.." =.= Eesh. seriously, I think it's stuck in my head already. haha! Hmm.. ran 2.4 today. I'm really really glad that I was able to improve by 3 minutes!! Yes, it's still slow to some - most - of you out there. but who cares? I improved! gwahahhaa!! The exciting thing about this is that what gave me the determination to run was the this particular verse "But those who wait for the LORD's help find renewed strength; they rise up as if they had eagles' wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired." - Isaiah 40:31. Although this verse meant it .. well, differently, I chose to focus a little more on the literal statement of "..they run without growing weary.." and I thought it was beautiful. I thought about my past, about the recent and the moments that I was running. hah! don't kn

Still in html

Gah.. I'm still in html mode. Hmm.. I've had a pretty gloom day today. Lots of hiccup-ing and soaking of facts. And so I explored yes, I did. I actually explored, of all apps. Then I came across the word chimer.. something. and I thought it was chimerie but there was no such word. It was really familiar.. And so I went to my poem blog to check. My very first poem that I wrote. ah, so it was chimerical! I like to use the phrase > "chimerical terrestrial reverie" hehe yeah partly because it sounds chim, and well, they're literally three words that mean almost the same thing and can be used consecutively! :O Oh yeah, why was today a gloomy day? That's cos lessons started and ended off with chinese =.= Well, I'm sure the weather played a part in it too. My head was always being attracted to the table for the first few hours of the day :S but I managed to pull through! :D Alright. I suffer from short-term memory I think. I re

Important dates

Important dates 11 April - napfa 15 April - SYF rehearsal @ RP & NKF Perf @ Orchid CC. 16 April - SOP 19 April - SYF @ RP 21 April(if I'd not mistaken this one) - Oral Prelims. Gah. my blogger's going haywire lately. I'm typing in edit html -.- can't type in compose otherwise there'd be no paragraphs in the post.. ugh. Hmm.. alright. I guess that's all the important dates to note.