God's grace


It's been rather crazy with the anxiety in everyone as they go around telling each other how afraid they were. As for this syf, I would say, is by far the first (and last) most anxious competition ever. We were told that the front few before our group had GWH before. and they had a record. meaning it's not just one year that they get GWH, but consecutively.. and it was about at least 5 schools.. Pretty nerve-wrecking if you asked me =.=

It was all pretty rushed and we barely had time to think. But we stayed together. We prayed together. And I was very much sure that each and everyone did their very best because during the actual SYF, guang ling san.. was really.. really.. good. Really! I would even dare to say that it's much better than the chun jie xu qu. The whole atmosphere was there. That heavy atmosphere. And I loved the beginning "555 1 - .." It totally brought the audience to a few thousand years back.. Even I had goosebumps just for that two bars. :O

As for chun jie xu qu, we did quite a number of mistakes, though the minor ones weren't a lot.. Well, the three major ones were.. well, at the same place. gah.. don't get it though, we've always been right on the dot for that one.. ): But anyways, I didn't care about this - surprisingly.. After I playing that last note of chun jie xu qu, I nearly cried ): gah.. cannot man.. cannot! I held it in until we got out of the hall and backstage. Then I burst into tears. No, it wasn't because of the mistakes that I'd heard and made - some, myself - that but it was because nearing the end of the song, the same sentence kept repeating over and over in my head: The last performance.. The last performance.. The last performance..

It was at the point of time that I'd truly felt that the results didn't matter. I wouldn't care whether if we got Gold this time round and broke the record of our seniors, we'd worked HARD. And let me tell you, it really wasn't easy as majority of the gz tuan was made up of sec 2s and 3s. Most of them who only started learning guzheng in secondary school whereas some of our seniors who'd gotten the past 3 gwh awards came from gz tuan in primary school. So they had some music background there. So I felt so proud of my juniors!! And we did so well for the last performance! So well, that I was crying for joy! :D I then prayed and gave thanks to God for this memorable performance(:

We waited anxiously for the results. We competed with 47 other schools. 7 JCs and 40 other secondary schools. So in total: 48 schools. Hmm.. there were a lot of Gold and Silver. only 5 schools achieved Gold with honours award. Serangoon Garden Secondary School (They've really improved! Too bad didn't watch. haha couldn't anyway =.=), Xin Min Secondary School, Nanyang (girls I think) & PLMGSS. The conductor for nanyang was my previous guzheng teach at ARTS :D I was walking in the canteen when I saw and decided to do some catching up(:

Anyways, yes, we've gotten GWH this year and I can't tell you how proud I am of my juniors and the other gz members, not to mentioned the daji! :D Thank God again for He has blessed us, yet again, with such a great result! :D :D We seniors can really step down with - truly - no regrets. Remembered I once said about this year going to be very different? Yeah, though the same things are happening, they're all a different experience all together. And I truly enjoyed this year, very, very immensely :D

Hmm.. anyways, I managed to meet my other lao shi. Both lin lao shi :D They told me more about NAFA. Two courses I heard. gah.. gotta read up more on it.. hmm..

Chinese Oral

I would like to say again, how extremely blessed I felt today! :D My lao shi changed from huang xue ping to some other lao shi. And I felt so much better because huang xue ping lao shi teach hmt one.. and this one doesn't :P hahah well, it's securing in a way right! hahaha! So that's one! Well, I was the last in the group. Estimated about 5pm if everyone in my group were to take about 10 minutes per person. However, my group was pretty fast! :O It was my turn at 4pm I think.. haha pretty early!

As I was preparing (reading passage), I was shaking =.= really. I had to read it over and over again as my voice was shaky too - even though I thought I was pretty much cold due to the air-con in the hall.. But I thought about doing everything to the best of my ability. I know I can do it. I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me. Amen, indeed! :D Because I got to relate to church (going to cambodia; mission trip) as well! And when I was speaking, I'd realised I wasn't as nervous as before. I really wasn't.. And after I left that hall.. I think I did that half-happy, half-awkward smile as I looked at the paper which determined my standard for the oral. And both reading passage and conversation, all zhong shang! YAYY!!!

Yesterday when we announced our SYF results to the school, we sang To God Be The Glory. And I'm not sure about them, but I sang it with all my heart and truly meant it. And at that point of time, the song was replaying in my head over and over.. :D :D
