4th Day

4th Day

things I thank God for.

1) I wrote a new song.
2) Today's lessons were rather relaxing.
3) I managed to record about a couple of takes for "Paper Planes"'s Verse 1 and 1st Chorus. Just the vocals. p.s. the reverb in the music room is totally awesome, I LOVE IT!!
4) Finally can hand in transcription for "A Whole New World". #senseofaccomplishment
5) Nice people in my course. Never actually realised till this year.
6) Ben drove me home to get my equipment for recording. Even drove me back home and sent me up, helping my to carry the equipment ^^
7) Friends who motivate and encourage you to do better.
8) My mom who bought my fav carrot cake this morning for my breakfast.
9) I could apply my poetic skills into writing secular music/lyrics. awesome. (This is part of the first point, but still separate things, me feels.)
10) My comfy, comfy bed, pillow, bolster, soft toys, blankie.


Well I woke up with a bit of sore throat which then worsened in the day.... The past few nights I haven't been having sufficient sleep which would probably caused my immune system to weaken and be vulnerable to viruses. Don't know if heading home together with my sick friend yesterday was the sole reason (fine, other than sleeping) for me to be feeling sick straightaway this morning.. Anyways, it didn't stop me from doing what I love doing. Writing songs.

As you saw above the list, I wrote a new song. It's pretty funny if you ask me. I managed to apply my poetic skills into this one. One that seriously sounded decent and not bad - according to qing. I titled it, "Scream". It's actually a really depressing song if you see the lyrics. Some day I'll post it up. Maybe. Some day. yeah. So, why did I want to suddenly write a song so depressing? It's actually because my group mates and I (for songwriting class) actually did a lyric palette and 85% of the stuff written on the piece of paper aka lyric palette was negative. So she's like a really sad and unfortunate girl man. We were told to write a verse 4 lines, rhymed) and a chorus (also 4 lines).. And so, because one of my group mates didn't come (yes, the one I went home with yesterday) today, my other group mate and I practically were doing our own thing and decided to come back to discuss after.

I had no strong opinions or like, insisted strongly to go with my song cos.. yeah, I'm afraid of being judged. especially something that's really close to my heart. Criticize anything and everything else but my songwriting skills. Even constructive criticism I'm still trying to deal with it positively. I think I mentioned this before in my previous posts that an encouragement regarding songwriting will motivate me like mad. at the same time, a little criticism, constructive or not, I will hesitate to write even just one song.

So as of now, I have two songs to work on.

Paper Planes:
Transitions, Bridge and Bridge Chords.

Bridge Chorus and Transitions.
