Hmmm ... engaging?

Hmmm ... engaging?

hehe :D

Just got back .. Pretty tired from today .. mentally and emotionally. I've been doing a lot of thinking today. For the "Grow to Lead" seminar, I found out two things I've been doing that's wrong. Sometimes when I'm angry and/or stressed, and my friend turns to me for help - sometimes I think it's because I just feel really exhausted and do not wish to be disturbed - I plainly told her, "Just pray." I felt it was weird to say so. I mean, besides the fact that a friend turns to you for help, if not comfort for her problem and I just say, "Just pray"? That's a bit unfair .. Secondly, Samuel talked about the use of 'i'. I vaguely remember this one.. Well, all that I remember is that, if I just keep thinking and thinking, and it's always i i i, nothing will ever be done - and that's true. That's what I do - even now. That's the disappointing part.

The exciting part was when I was able to speak out - semi - loud (representing the group) during the Grow to Lead seminar. I mean, my heart was thumping really fast, but oh well, heck -.- The other part was the imprompto assistant worship ldr. Rachel made me sing my song during offertory T-T totally freaked out! I mean, did anyone hear my voice volume level drop when rachel wasn't singing with me all of a sudden?? THUMP THUMP THUMP!!

A group of us went to Holland V. to eat at.. some... laksa place.. i forgot the name =x Then went to eat ice-cream.. at.. i forgot the name again. Then we went home.. bus was cold, mrt was warm - with the people. aw :D - then I walked back home, cool weather.. hope I don't get sick. haha :\

And after today, I felt like I'm really really officially living the most boring life in my whole 15 years and a few months. or perhaps, for now.
