Seeing the good in everything

Seeing the good in everything ..

isn't it wonderful?

it's hard to do so, hard to be positive always. I've always admired and aspired to be people who are like that. They stay positive no matter when or whatever crisis they face. They simply look through the bushes, the branches and leaves to find a beautiful ladybug, amongst the thick vegetation ..

Why the sudden of bringing this up? Well .. Today rained. Yes, I've always felt I could think better when it rained. 'Cos it would be a cool weather, my mind would be clear and I would be able to reflect and think about my life properly. Recently, I've been having a lot going on my mind. I wanted to put it in poem form, but not even the poems would I be able to translate these feelings into. But out of all the feelings, I felt one quite strong, though it's not really something I really bother.. But I guess this is how I feel whenever something goes wrong ..

"The door swung open
in the opportunity I sprang forward
Before I knew it,
the door slammed shut
it was dark, I was hidden.

Already inside,
there's no turning back
Whatever I see or saw,
experience or experienced,
good or bad
this path I had chosen
with such wisdom I had."


Today was really great! :D
The morning assembly was retared - somewhat. Well, at least the part where the prefects briefed us on maintaining the cleanliness of our classrooms. So they ended off with this, saying "As the saying goes ..":

"A CLEAN classroom is a HAPPY classroom."
- Student Welfare Committee

=.= dotdotdot ..

Next was the briefing on the sec 4 camp. It isn't exactly a camp since we're not staying over. Venue: School. Time: 8-6pm. Date: 24 & 25 Jan 2011. I've probably said before in my posts that this year's gonna be a tough one (more random tests, SYF, prelim 1, prelim 2, O lvls, guzheng grading exam (last one), confirmed keyboard role & maybe even assist. worship ldr), in a way, it's really a breakthrough. Funny enough, my camp name is called, "Breakthru". Refer to 2 Samuel.. I think chapter 5. David named the river (was it river? =x) something Prizima.. i think =.=" It means something like God breakthrough ... something something. ah.. memory failing.

Later had the 3-killer periods of A math. I thought I'd be lying half-dead on the table as most of everyone did, but it would seem my partner - Nicole Mok, had been far too high most of the time. Deborah sat in front of her and often turns behind to talk to Nicole. Nicole was just being really reckless during class, and so I had to "join in" to control her a bit otherwise she'd be disrupting the class .. But then again, in doing so, I managed to learn better. somewhat xD

Chinese paper today wasn't very very difficult. I could understand most of the passages except the last li jie wen da. Totally doomed and lost 10 marks for the last two questions for I had no idea what they were talking about. I was just... stunned O.O

Oh well, thank goodness this isn't counted in my report book. But then again, even if it is, at least give me a pass! T-T

Hmm .. just got back not too long ago.. wanted to curl up in bed to sleep, but my mom smsed me saying we'd be eating dinner at nex at 6pm cos my sis has an appointment with her friends at 7pm ... sigh. alright. I'll drift away from my comp now..

