zZzzZZzzz ..

Tired )):

Jeez, slept at 2+ this morning and woke up 8/9+ Well, logically i woke up at 8 - by my alarm .. but .. I always have this habit, of snoozing it. And since I set it to sound every 5 minutes, I snoozed it every 5 mins and my phone stayed in my hands for an hour, while I snooze it every 5 minutes. I think even my body got accustomed to it. the SLIGHTEST sound that I hear, my fingers take action =x

Today, during morning service, the sanctuary was REALLY REALLY COLD!! Freezing man.. I think my synus acted up. But not really at that time, it's like on/off after the morning service. I was totally with the pastors in the beginning, part middle and end. They lost me off somewhere >.< And well, regina couldn't concentrate, I think she was doing her work. church work. haha! Hmmm ... even though I was gone in some of the important parts, I guess I got the gist of it.. though not detailed.

Soon after, looked for my benefactor - amazingly it fits your name perfectly. ben - efactor. LOL. okayokay, I'm lame -.- Hmmm .. got to learn even more about particles and other stufffffff ... sorry for holding you back, ben! :\ and sorry regina, for making you wait! ._."

Well, after that reg and I went to ikeeeaa to look for my mom. apparently was supposed to find her plastic fork and spoon. We didn't actually look for it in the end. But we saw something close - or not even close .. uh.. what am I talking? -.- Then we ate lunch at iikeaaaa~~ I ate organic pasta w tomato sauce + meatballs! :DD It looked really little but made me really really really full ._.

Next destination: Church to watch (Reg. and I) esther and my mom do the christmas deco. sample for boss (auntie anne, haha!) And we had fun taking pictures of angels with halos over their heads - that's how bored we were.

Then we headed straight for to St. Andrews Cathedral! Whoa. First time there and I was like.. woot! Looks like some familiar place I've seen somewhere... oh yeah movies. weddings. LOL! I loved the colourful glass thingy. and all that. I was thinking of "pop-up" art and I was thinking of painting it out. I mean, not the WHOOOLEE thing of course, just part of it (: Oh wells, see if I've got time. I've got anime marathon to run! :OO

I was really really tired. During the sermon, pastor was talking really soft. and the echoes was hypnotizing me DD; I really dozed off quite a few times and waking up each time my head "dropped". Sheesh. so embarrassing -.- the seat right next to the aisle ._.

Well, I think the maximum I can take is really one sermon a day. two is just too much :\ Especially when you have other stuff that make the sermons a little more draggy like the bad microphone or something .. with the echo ... -.-

Went with the old people (Martin, Jonathan, Paul, Nat ..?), Aaron and regina to city hall > bk for dinner. The taste and DELICIOUSNESS of the mushroom swiss .... gwahhhhh .......

Now back home and well, I was locked outside of my house as I forgot to bring my keys .. and I waited.. and THANK GOD MY DAD WAS HOME! I walked in and threw my bag to the floor while Orlie just nudged all around me. haha! awww.. Sighs. So tired. I feel like just crawling to my bed, under my blanket and just sleep. x| that's not possible, right? sighs..... actually why not uh? Sheesh. aiya, don't know. just don't really feel like sleeping now :\
