Video + poem(random)

No title.

He picked up the phone and smiled,
His eyebrows twisted
as if curious,
in the same funny way he used to
He put the phone down
no, slammed it - with much rage.
All I knew was it was since then
He never spoke to me
the same.

I asked why.
why, why, why?
He replied,
What he's lost
Was the cream of his coffee
the taste of his candy
Now crying like a long lost baby
It was funny
that I remained cool in front of him
clueless & innocent eyes that
look straight into his

Now he grabbed me by the wrist,
to the living room
used his two hands
both palm faced,
onto my cheeks
till my face, like a goldfish
I just stared
blankly ...


"I've lost the one..

I loved."

He said.

- Adapted from "Best friend" by me.

LOL. p.s. I was bored -.-
