smiles all the way(:

Thanks Rachel! (:

Big thanks to her for comforting me just now, in the evening.
Times were getting bad to worse and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, that matter pulled my last string and it went *snap*! Yupps. Anyways, really thanks (: Also wanna thank her for helping out with the chords progression for my new song! :DD It's called, "Glorified". The title's fixed I guess. But not the lyrics :/ But the tune .. eh .. pretty sure it'll be similar to it. Already modified and .. yupp. Left the um .. lyrics to edit and VIOLA! no lah. Still need to pray about it(:

Coming up with the chords (for full song) soon. Maybe during the week, but not anytime soon - like now - am I gonna let you guys see it till I can confirm the lyrics and melody and tune (x

Praise be to God for giving me this talent!! :D:D

Am lovin' it and I will forever and ever and ever and ever cherish it till my last breath :O

Honestly, this songwriting thingy has gotten me to be quite close to rachel as I kinda keep asking for her advice and help for the chords and stuff .. But not forgetting Regina as well (:
If not for Regina's support, comments, and, company, I wouldn't have been so open this year! It's as if I JUST joined ye this year (:

YAY!! Cheers to a new start! (:

Talked to many today. Though my eyes were kinda swollen & memories of the bad times still quite fresh, I just wanna thank God that I was able to smile ALL THE WAY (:
And I guess I also have to owe it to Rachel for praying for me (:
THANKS!!! I'm really happy now and I guess what's past is history, and I shouldn't be dwelling on the past, but to prepare for the future; and what's to come ..

Hmms .. I don't know why, but this came into my mind,

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery & today is a gift, that is why it is called, present."

I really love this quote from some movie.. OHOH!! Kungfu panda! (: And well, yeah. This reminds me of how I should live my life to the fullest. Meet surprises along the way. Enjoy the good times, and turn bad times into good times - just by looking at it in different perspective and with a positive attitude .. Like seeing most of the bad things that happen between friends/families/relatives, we can see that, after these bad moments, our bonds'll become stronger. We'll all learn something new everyday, and that's something we cannot deny.

And therefore, I'm really giving my all man! Maybe I'm not really putting my best efforts, but I'll try. And I'll make sure that this next song that I compose - with rach's help - will let you guys see what God has truly done for us. And even cared for us. I remembered this somewhere.. hmm.. "If God cares so very much for the beautiful flowers you see everyday, which are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he surely care much more for you?"

lovin' it (:

God bless, ya'll! (:
