Interesting thoughts


Goodness gracious. My skin - at really random areas except for lower part of the arms - is really really REALLY red ):

My face burns! x(
Kay. Well, today I was supposed to get up at 8.50am to get ready and stuff and go meet damia at dover at... 1030? unfortunately, I edited the monday-friday alarm! And today's saturday. oh great. And so, I woke up at 1012, damia called three times minutes later while I was brushing my teeth. Then I had no choice but to answer the third time. & here I was, busy trying to talk and tell him to call me back later because there's TOOTHPASTE IN MY MOUTH ..

ahhaha!! Okay, so it was decided to meet them there later. The number of people I expected and heard would be coming was ...... well ............. let's just say it was quite disappointing to see, out of maybe 15/16/17? Only 6 came. Damia, Sherill - both reached first, I think - and Eunice was on time. I was late. But Rachel was later, and, by counting the number of names above, RACHEL CAME THE LATEST. HO!! HO!! HO!!

On my way there - my mom drove btw - in the car, I was thinking about a story for one of my guzheng songs I've been practicing for the competition. In a way lah. Hmm.. it's called huan xiang qu. My teach told me a few of the sections of stories I can think and imagine about while I play it. With that, I can express the music out in a better way - kind of thing. Like, it would sound better and also, let the audience think of the melody and a story of their own while listening to it.

Just now I mentioned that I was thinking about my story, yes? Yeh. So .. here's how it goes.. by the way, it may be quite simple, but I was actually just thinking of the basics. Can't think of words to fit with the drama and stuff .......

Intro's Introduction [ just some info to help u not get lost ]

The Emporer, father of a princess .. visits his daughter's tomb in the cemetry. Stands in front of her tomb, recalling painful memories.

Introduction [ when the intro of the song starts ]

In the peaceful palace..
An assassin sneaks into the princess's room.
Accidentally falls while climbing into her room.
But nothing was disturbed.
Slowly tiptoeing to the princess, he took out a cloth, wrapped around a dagger, from his bag.
Slowly unfolding it and ..
kills the princess.
Princess let's out a little shriek in the process,
The assassin whispers a few words to her ear.
She lets out a tear while the assassin slips away from the scene.


[ The next morning, the Emperor and Empress discovers their daughter not responding to their calls, checked she was not breathing. They gather everyone to the palace. ]

Section 1

The Emperor & his wife cries over his daughter's horrible and unexpected death.
All the mournful cries in the room,
increasing tension,
The advisor speaks and suspects a few people,
Argument between advisor and Empress.
Emperor argues with the Empress.
The three argues.
The whole palace finds every possible fault with the other party.
Emperor stands and shouts. Everyone returned to their positions and remained silent.
He moves away from his seat, walking down the aisle,
I will find the culprit, he says. I will.
Walks back to his seat.
collapsing into his high chair.
With the Empress leaning forward, towards him,
they weep.

Section 2

[ Meanwhile, the princess, now no longer lives in the palace. no longer living on earth, facing judgement day.. or so she thought. ]

She appears in a forest, no path in sight.
Suddenly, she hears footsteps of someone or somethin approaching her.
She runs and runs. running for her life.
Up comes a grizzly bear that roars so loud that the other end of the forest would be able to hear this mother bear's roar.
She screams. & runs farther.
Don't know where she's headed to,
she just runs.
bears, snakes, lions ..
She runs and runs.
A never ending chase.
Stepping over shaky rocks to cross over the river
with crocodiles snapping at her each movement.
Just as soon as she crosses over the river,
she begins to run again.
Then she falls into a deep, deep pit.

Section 3


[ Meanwhile, in the palace ]

Everything was in chaos. Emperor is making sure his servants do their job,
guards, especially the guards, to be more alert.
Any murder of an authority within the palace would be a murder
for any one of them.
Chaos chaos chaos,
many people running into each other.
Emperor's blood pressure shoots up,
Empress and Caretaker takes him to his bed to rest ...



The princess regains consciousness
found 2 tunnels.
Begins her way out, she took the right path.
Saw a light.
Happy, elated, overjoyed.
Heart jumped and filled with hope,
she ran towards the light.

Section 4

A wonderful place.
The sun shining down on her skin,
on the surfaces of broad & waxy leaves.
Birds chirping, butterflies dancing around her
then flew up to the sky
twirling and twirling
She cannot help, but smile.
The most beautiful smile.
She'd finally found a path.
She starts on her journey on the path, leading to wherever it'd take her.

Section 5

[ Back at the palace, the Emperor was so worked up and upset, he called for another meeting ]

Many thought couldn't think of anything to do,
Didn't know where to start of how to investigate as there was no evidence that the murderer left behind.
The people could no longer take it,
Needed the Emperor's permission to cremate the princess's body quickly.
Many arguments in the palace, again.
A man stood up in front of the crowd and speaks to the Royal Highness.
Telling him it's best to do cremate her body first,
giving all sorts of reasons why so.
Emperor refuses.
Late at night while everyone's asleep.
Some men creeped in and killed the guards that were guarding the princess's body.
Bring the princess's body far away. not looking back.
Then put her body into a coffin. surrounded by flowers and hay.
Finally, kerosine.
Emperor and Empress shouts at them.
They argue for the people to return their daughters back
or they'd call their guards to catch them and throw them in jail.
After much argument ..
while the [let's just say there were 5 people] 4 were arguing with them,
the sneaky one started up the fire.

NO!! The Empress cries.
Everything going slow motion ..
Just before the phrase of the part of the song ends.
she was cremated.
Ashes falling out of the sky.


The Emperor and Empress collapse to the floor crying their hearts out.
The people escapes.
Their loved one, their only beloved, loved one. truly.. GONE ..

[ Returning back to the future ]

The Emperor takes his last bow to his late daughter and leaves, tearing.

End of story.

Sad right??
Man. I was even thinking about it while I was walking home. No, STROLLING home uh!!
Anyways, I'm off to watch my anime now.
