Message to Amabel (:
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going?
I know it's difficult to pull through, regarding the .. "Effect" of your results. But don't say that you're losing faith in Him just because of this!! Gal!! Think of the possibilities:
#1: You may find it very difficult as it is like a big leap from sec 2 to sec 3.
#2: Satan is really testing your faith with God, to see if you truly, and FULLY trust in Him and have the FULLEST faith in Him.
No doubt, sec 2 to sec 3 is a big leap. Especially when you're learning new things, like A math. You have two choices: Give it up, or just keep on improving. Since you've "invested" a prayer into your common test/test results, then you'll have to wait for it to "grow", yes? Have you seen this?

Of course not. I did it myself -.- Anyways, do read it. I hope it helps. If it's somewhat false in relate to the Bible or whatsoever, you can tell me :\
Satan will "sabotage" you to lose faith in Him. But the truth is, it is also another opportunity to prove your strong faith you have with God! Look, Satan use to say that, I may just fail. Or whatever. And when my thoughts said that 'No, God will be there to help me. I know He will, I trust Him!!' No matter how much I protest, I find myself feeling like living in self-denial. That's when Satan is happy. And so, God puts this thought into my head, saying that I must be prepared to get reasonable marks. Then Satan questions, "REASONABLE? Isn't HE the GOD of MIRACLES? REASONABLE?! He treats you like His child, doesn't He?? REASONABLE'S NOT ENOUGH!" That's when I couldn't stand it. I decided to stay onto the thought God had put in my head and I was glad God gave me the wisdom to listen to the right thoughts and so, I believed, and was contented and happy that it was true(the marks that I expected). I managed to get my target. I know my target is low for .. chinese... +_+ But still, I'm grateful for God's preparation for me to be prepared to see this result.
So you see, you don't necessarily need to have good results like other incidents whereby people didn't study and still get ALL A's for their PSLE result, etcetc.. But may be just like me, though my results weren't good, that to not even passing, still, I'm thankful that He got me prepared. Your results may not be good. But God definitely has done something even better for you. Something like the chengyu we learnt this term: "塞翁失马".
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going?
I know it's difficult to pull through, regarding the .. "Effect" of your results. But don't say that you're losing faith in Him just because of this!! Gal!! Think of the possibilities:
#1: You may find it very difficult as it is like a big leap from sec 2 to sec 3.
#2: Satan is really testing your faith with God, to see if you truly, and FULLY trust in Him and have the FULLEST faith in Him.
No doubt, sec 2 to sec 3 is a big leap. Especially when you're learning new things, like A math. You have two choices: Give it up, or just keep on improving. Since you've "invested" a prayer into your common test/test results, then you'll have to wait for it to "grow", yes? Have you seen this?

Of course not. I did it myself -.- Anyways, do read it. I hope it helps. If it's somewhat false in relate to the Bible or whatsoever, you can tell me :\
Satan will "sabotage" you to lose faith in Him. But the truth is, it is also another opportunity to prove your strong faith you have with God! Look, Satan use to say that, I may just fail. Or whatever. And when my thoughts said that 'No, God will be there to help me. I know He will, I trust Him!!' No matter how much I protest, I find myself feeling like living in self-denial. That's when Satan is happy. And so, God puts this thought into my head, saying that I must be prepared to get reasonable marks. Then Satan questions, "REASONABLE? Isn't HE the GOD of MIRACLES? REASONABLE?! He treats you like His child, doesn't He?? REASONABLE'S NOT ENOUGH!" That's when I couldn't stand it. I decided to stay onto the thought God had put in my head and I was glad God gave me the wisdom to listen to the right thoughts and so, I believed, and was contented and happy that it was true(the marks that I expected). I managed to get my target. I know my target is low for .. chinese... +_+ But still, I'm grateful for God's preparation for me to be prepared to see this result.
So you see, you don't necessarily need to have good results like other incidents whereby people didn't study and still get ALL A's for their PSLE result, etcetc.. But may be just like me, though my results weren't good, that to not even passing, still, I'm thankful that He got me prepared. Your results may not be good. But God definitely has done something even better for you. Something like the chengyu we learnt this term: "塞翁失马".