BAM!!!!!!!!! I slept during chapel again. oh screw. -.- Peeping out the window Spectating from a distance What lies in between the shadows Here in His presence: The unspoken truth. WOOTSWOOTS! Nothing much today. Just really wanna say this: GAWD!! I FEEL SO PARANOID AND ANNOYED AND WHATEVER-NOID/OYED WHENEVER THAT SL GUY TEACH COMES. UGH. and worse, something else which I can't say otherwise later she come after me =x Sighs. manns.. I just wore my new school shoes today. left shoe = turning black; right shoe = remains white. MAN! THIS IS UNFAIR!! WHY THE LEFTIE DIRTY THEN THE OTHER ONE CLEAN?!! TSK. Just finished eating my cereal and... OHOHOH, guys, before I forget, I've created a new blog. But I'm still keep this one active. Currently holding: 3 blogs. gosh -.- OHOH, and, I just remembered I had twitter, so those who have ah, come follow me :DD Here are the links to it: Can find these links in the linksphere (: Alios a...
Showing posts from March, 2010
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Worn-out. When I asked for the truth And I look into your eyes You tried to end my ruth, But I know they're nothing but a pack of lies. Sighs. had to run 2.4km again which means to run 16 rounds around the assembly area.. I ran about 13 ..? I had to stop for a few moments cos I think my migraine thingy was acting up again. Sighs. SHOULD'VE BROUGHT MY MEDICINE TODAY!! Well, not exactly my fault.. .. Okay, I guess it is. SORRY LAHH!! People got STM muhhh )): Had spamming math beginning and end of the day ._. I think I already have A&E math both mixed up. GAHH! who cares. as long as it's math, I can apply whatever rule/principle - or whatever - that the question asks for, ggnnnahh. can le (: Felt stupid for the rest of the day. Found out about something, yeah.. About what regina told me on the phone. And so on.. [p.s. Whatever lah kay roo, I really don't care le. Gopher wants Gee then get lah. Like I care. Only that gopher - like the way it acts - just kinda heats me ...
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God Blessed me!! I FELT IT!! :DD Finishing the race I quicken my pace Passing the finishing line I turned behind and smiled To find out how far I've come. Though this race is not exactly "finished" haha, well, I can sense it's coming to a good end. Okay, not END. but a good start. A whole new beginning - a good start - to end my previous race and run another one, FOR GOD ((: I've realised that I'm becoming closer and closer to YE people - aka church people .. And remember previously in my post in my blog I typed about how lonely I felt and all that? I think after the whole cell group thingy and after today's event, dinner, etc.. I felt that I've bonded so much - and for the most, is today .. I really do have a feeling that God really did answer my prayer ((: YAY!! I CAN LEARN MORE ABOUT GOD AND I DON'T NEED TO DO IT ALONE AND BRING MY FRIENDS TO CHRIST ALONE - I HAVE MY CHRISTIAN BUDDIES TO HELP ME AS WELL!!! :DDD THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
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OH NOOO!!!! I've realised that I'm too busy till like.. I even forget to reply msgs -.-" Oh mann.. screwed up big time. Sighs. well, at least today guzheng lesson was good :D I'm so tired I don't feel like moving. gosh. becoming lazy >> grow fats. UGH!! I'M GONNA DO STRENUOUS EXERCISE ONCE THIS IRRITATING MIGRAINE THINGY IS RELIEFED!! I'LL TAKE A GAZILLION PAINKILLERS IF I HAVE TO!! obviously jk.. But really, have been looking forward to the day when I am FINALLY FREE, and can FINALLY go out with Jelene and Amabel >> gym. I've figured something out.. When I become older, sec 1 >> sec 2 >> sec 3 .. And that my guzheng career-likely-to-be is getting better and better, I can start to understand JC stress-level. And I think that if I reach till JC level in this world's/just singapore [as comparison] in a few years time, [that level that everyone can take but me] I think I'll just faint by then since right now, I already feel ...
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GAHH!!! Regina!!! WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING TO MY HOUSE????? LOL!! Small detail on that.. Managed to rush through all my homework with regina helping me to draw appartus for chem homework xD shall draw the rest tomorro during lunch.. gosh. Hmm.. OHOH!!! PL TRIATHLON DAY!!! LEE HOUSE WON SECOND FOR OVERALL AND I FORGOT WHAT FOR CHAMPION!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOO!!!! GO LEE HOUSE!!! Anyways... Had loads of fun~~ The second station [ after the first which was the "break" that we made use of, starting the day off with cheers. gosh. so tired =.= ] was skipping!!!! And guess what!! I don't know if the skipping rope was too long - or too short - but I realised that I kept getting the rope entangled to my legs -.- Pissing off much......... I was so friggin' goondooo enough to keep pressing the RESET BUTTTON EACH TIME I SKIPPED ONCE. OHGAWD. I can't believe myself -.- I found out only awhile later that I wasn't suppose to click the button, but just SKIPP. ohgawd. Then later skips...
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Bo energy. Turns out that I was weaker today than yesterday. zzz. sorry, not in the mood to really.. "play" -.- okay, turns out I've found the addictive video on quadratic formula [easier to memorise, well, after watching this video. HAHA] The second video is by VJC. it's quite crazy. I like the part with the light xD [sorry guys, can't add this in here, they didn't allow embed]
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MIGRAINEMIGRAINEMIGRAINE ): It's been 2 weeks having that, plus this week, it'd be 3 weeks! Yeah, I sometimes feel kinda nausea. But now the nausea feeling is beginning to subside - A LITTLE! And weirdly, out of nowhere, I'ver been getting so many itchy spots! And I've been scratching and scratching till bleed. gross! ugh. spoil my leg skin complexion -.- Have been busybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusy busybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusy busybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusy busybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusybusylikeabumblebeeeeeee!!!!!! Sighs. sad life ): Oh wells. Had some enjoyment ytd during cell (: Had a gal talk - and bonding one too! - with Regina (: Then..... back to spam guzheng-ing. Today my migraine condition was worsening. goodness. this is badbadbadbad! I just know it. Sighs. OTTEKAYO?! can't do anything :( To...
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DRAINED DD; Had guzheng bonding session then CCA. Gosh. while I was playing with the rubix cube during the bonding session, I got it confiscated T.T SORRY EUNICE!! I'M GONNA ASK FOR IT TOMORROW!! :\ Now sian.. tml still got cca.. 9.30-12pm. Then 12-1pm got committee meeting.. Sighs. Just wanna run away from all of this man. seriously .
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BOOKIE-ED (: Read about 1/3 of the book [another book] already. gah. should read faster. gotta return in on tuesday :\ I've decided to give up reading that spooky one . "The Devouring" . I read the halfway to middle part and I'm too spooked by it ~.~ It sounded too satanic. the beginning was too. But I thought it was just a captivating scene for readers to keep on reading and reading. I really admire this author. Not scared of anything de ._. GRRR!! lately having so many mosquito bites. Actually I wouldn't call it one because everytime I scratch 'em, it doesn't get any bigger. GOSH!! WTH IS THIS??!?!!!?!?!??!!!! DDDD; *scratch scratch* Oh wells. HEYHEY!! Who plays scra m ble? :DD BEAT MY HIGH SCORE = 82!!!! :DDDD
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A REALLY REALLY TIRING DAY - what a title to put for this post +_+ Had the SL presentation this morning @ 9am. Gosh. we were almost late ._. On my way to school, while I was in the bus, someone called me. Then I picked up. "Hey, where are you uh?" "Um.. on the bus..?" "Are you reaching soon?? .. Like a lot of people haven't come yet leh!!! Why everyone so late??!!" *Looks at clock: 3.39pm. Meeting time: 3.45pm. Very late meh? :\ * "Yeah, next bus stop." "Okokok, I'll meet you at traffic light there ah!!" I thought this was yanyi's new number. So I recorded it. When I got down the bus and started to walk to the traffic light, I wanted to call her cos I .. well, didn't see her there. Then I searched.. Eh? Yanyi got new number? she change line meh? hmmm.. must be, otherwise she wouldn't call me right...?? Gosh. I couldn't be MORE wrong about this. I looked over at the traffic light there. I saw Sheryl and Grace ...
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A tick and a tock, Goes the clock Slowly yet swiftly It striked 1 o'clock. Gosh. today is so boring. draggy. yet everything seemed to past so fast. This morning in the car I was thinking of how I actually went through my past. Not that it was a bad past. Or not regarding whether it was memoriable or not. But rather, I just can't seem to believe I actually went through that something - my past - and now, I'm 14+ years old. It's basically a ZOOOOOOOOOOM of time. Sighs. I couldn't believe I was so young last time, remembered when I first wore a ballet shoe. Loved to wear the "slot-in"shoe, no velcro, no shoelace, just rubber, and slotting in movement. How I got lost, and up til now, I can still remember vividly, what had happened. It's like almost everytime I try to believe and put myself into that situation, trying to bring myself back into time, I somehow ended up lost and mostly jerkin' at least one time because everything was just a SHOCK. OF. MY....
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Bemused. Have been deep in thought today. Many questions popped up in my head, answering them [in my head]. Being very quiet till later part of the school timetable. I became a little more lively. I think it was only starting during math ba.. Then had PE >> which made my whole face red and pale >> People thought I was gonna faint or something. But actually, I was burning hot -.- Like flames in me. Goodness. Went to guardian to buy the eye roll thingy . HENG! ingredient dun have the coffiene thingy. I den dowanna look older. gross. people alr thought I 19, I den dowan to look like 20+ even when I'm only 15 -.- THIS YEAR - HAVEN'T EVEN PAST MY BIRTHDAY YET AND STILL LONG LONG LONG LONG WAY TO GO -_- Hmm...... Oh yeah. forgot to say this: My dad bought me a new mouse yesterday night! :D Sadly, it wasn't green )): He said only PINK was on display/selling. Aw.. Anyways, the pink's not so bad.. I guess. My dad tried to cheer me up by saying, "HEY! It matches...
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Spiritless ++ I feel as dead as the book I've been reading ["Henry" from The Devouring] .. Almost as if my soul is gone too -.- Well, I was only dead for the periods BEFORE chapel which is like.. the whole time ==" 'Cos "chapel" aka prefect installation [today] is the last period. I became alive again after a lot sleeping in the agape hall [during the prefect installation] . LOL! Ama had to "wei!" me some more. 'Cos I kept dozing off =x GOSH! PLEASE! I'M JUST NOT CUT OUT FOR LECTURES!!! ._. After school, Amabel came to our house and we watched a movie that my gu gu recently gave my dad. I can't remember the title. But it was so cute and funny! Ate magnum ice-cream while watching it too :D She ate classic. I ate almond ((: HAHA!! Later spammed english compre + summary. After this, probably gonna do lit le. Sigh. Gosh.. I really don't wanna do work man ... I hate work :\ I still remember must go prac prac prac !!! For next week...
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OH MA MA MIA T^T Felt so weak. Slept during geog class, myt headache was killing me -.- J lah! encourage me to sleep de! But anyways, is teach give us break de, then I took the opportunity to sleep -.- Though it was just 5 minutes or a little longer, I was about to submerge into my dreams =x Later had discussion about CCM. Then wth. my gastristic problem had to act up again. GOSH! Then I prayed again. Then it went off (: But er.. well, it can't just magically go off like that, I suppose. So I went toilet and ............................... *dotdotdot* Then we had house meeting prac. Gosh. screamed my lung out!! And now, home. ahh.. home sweet home. gosh. tummyache + headache + heart pain (literally). Oh wells. nothing much to say today. gotta rush with the clock to finish my homework ._. CYAAAAA!! (((((((((((((:
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MONDAY BLUEZ Everyone seem to be falling sick today.. Amabel > diarrhoea 4 times so far Eunice > didn't come school today Shu Ting > OSO didn't come school today [Prob. got flu or something. always got some lame excuse for not coming -.- Unless she's really sick, then I can't say anything lah =x] Me > nearly DIED! gosh. dunno what happen to me. during PE, ran 2.4km = 16 rounds around the assembly area. I think I was dizzy >> MAJOR HEADACHE. Then my tummy hurt - no, it was NOT stitches. I don't know why I'm having these kinda problems nowadays. Super pain. Teach thought I may be having gastristic, but no leh, I ate wud -.- then after short run 3/4 rounds, Amabel had to stop cos I couldn't take it anymore. [p.s. SORRY AMABEL!! DIDN'T LET YOU RUN TODAY :\] Then cos I couldn't take it, I couldn't even talk, amabel had to be my spokesman and ask Ms Yah whether the both of us could go toilet. Then we took a stroll there, I nearly ...
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Bored at home. A purpose to do something must be everlasting. For an "easy" purpose to attain can make you lose focus in what you want to do after accomplishing its purpose. I am so bored. I am so bored. I am so bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH NUH !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Gosh. I am bored. Today home alone. Woke up @ 11am++ ARGH. Irritating alarm. I felt like throwing my phone to the floor [I found it on my bed beside my pillow again]. I realised later I slept halfway while I was doing my QT. gosh :\ I didn't even know I DOZED OFF! Have been doing housework today - that is, after practicing piano >> bathe + groom orlie >> hang the clothes >> fold clothes that were left on the couch this morning >> clean the floor >> cook own dinner >> rest/SLEEP! -_- Ohmygoodness. BORING DAY, yet, tiring. gosh this is tough -.- Even my head is starting to ache -.- Anyways, I'...
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E-learning day There's no school today I guess. Sighs. Okay here's it. Auto wake up @ 6.10am >> Slept again after taking phone from table to put beside my pillow [scared cannot wake up] >> 7.20am alarm >> freshen up >> breakfast [ CEREAL!! :D ] >> Went online to peii zoey [she woke up earlier than me -_-] >> Did assignments. Did geography first >> Spent quite sometime on it >> SS [even though I know SS came first - according to timetable, I just went on doing it since zoey asked me a question on the geog assignment] >> Math quizzes [both A&E] >> Went to do other stuff >> printed out geog ws, write answers down on foolscap >> print chords of songs for this week's worship >> tried it out >> practice the chords, didn't reply to a few people on msn =x >> * APOLOGIEEESS!! * >> Gonna prac guzheng later on >> Eat dinner >> Guzheng lesson. Sigh. This may look a lot...
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SIAN DAY . Had school >> dead beat >> Parliament sitting >> some other school thought we were sec 1s and couldn't speak english ... pek -.- >> went home afterwards. It's super duper boring today man .. It was like, english first two periods. ohmygoodness. english paper come back -_- FLUNKED COMPRE :\ Then had recess.. Ate porridge again. WHOA. today long queue. THIS STALL'S PORRIDGE IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED! :DD it's super nice - peanut and pork porridge. nicenice! ((: So here's the full results [marks are confidential! :D] : A1 >> 1 A2 >> 1 B3 >> 0 T.T B4 >> 2 C5 >> 1 C6 >> 3 [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] D7 >> 1 [chinese :\] Literarly, ABCD -.- total=60%.. Oh wells. MUST JIAYOU NEXT TERM!! GET MORE As!!!! :DD Back to story. Went for th parliament thingy. wth, have to go through this and that. Th beginning was alr toturous =x we all had to line up to go into some air-con room, retrieve, your pass, go thr...
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I'M SO EXHAUSTED ! Sometimes people really mean it, but this time, I don't really mean it, I think ......... All I did - basically - today was SLEEP! Gosh. Okay lah. Not exactly. I nearly wanted to sleep in EVERY lesson. And surprisingly, the lack of sleep isn't the only cause, but also the "ya li" of getting all the results back - except english, keeping me in more suspense. I feel so exhausted from like .. taking all the "pressure". Especially for my fav. subject, geog. OMG! I FAILED GEOG. HOW CAN THAT BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!!??! Sigh. That's what I keep asking myself today. But I wasn't so obsessed with that question all day. I mean, I HAVE A LIFE TO LIVE THANK YOU -.- During chapel : slept during sermon/sharing by invited guest. After school, went with Amabel go kovan. Planned to go kovan then my house. But she change...
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Message to Amabel (: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going? I know it's difficult to pull through, regarding the .. "Effect" of your results. But don't say that you're losing faith in Him just because of this!! Gal!! Think of the possibilities: #1: You may find it very difficult as it is like a big leap from sec 2 to sec 3. #2: Satan is really testing your faith with God, to see if you truly, and FULLY trust in Him and have the FULLEST faith in Him. No doubt, sec 2 to sec 3 is a big leap. Especially when you're learning new things, like A math. You have two choices: Give it up, or just keep on improving. Since you've "invested" a prayer into your common test/test results, then you'll have to wait for it to "grow", yes? Have you seen this? Of course not. I did it myself -.- Anyways, do read it. I hope it helps. If it's somewhat false in relate to the Bible or whatsoever, you can tell me :\ Satan will "sabotage...