
Back from church/dinner! (:

Weekends pass so quickly D;
What's on my mind now? Hmm .. I guess it's that I'm worried for the people taking their Os. Don't know why. But when I put themselves in my shoes, imagining me next year.. at this point of time .. +_+ brrr... scary. Two times as scary as PSLE. At least that was what I felt .. before I sat for each paper ..

Finally made my taps of bleach songs! :D Apparently, I didn't download all.. so .. yea. pity ): 'Cos im currently saving some space for more games :D:D Hmm ... Today was great. Seriously. But Auntie joyce was talking wayyy to long. I could hear her. Really. But my eyes were closing -.- So I wasn't that fully concentrated :\ But I guess God spoke through me to keep me awake - in a sense - when she was talking about the RED-BLUE thing ..

Apparently, the word blue kept popping up in my head. And sudden thoughts on how many blue things I had and like the fact that I suddenly liked blue struck me. And there I was "analyzing" what God meant. Like what?? Then I was thinking, red .. what's the red-bar ... and I was thinking and thinking.. and I realised that I was mostly a red-bar person. I didn't know. I really didn't. HONESTLY!! At least, nowadays. yea ... I guess God wants me to change :\ At least I'd also found my problem I've been trying to identify in the past .. maybe.. couple of months?

Then there was prayer. Gosh. prayer. first song. ... Really, I didn't think they'd use it. I mean, it isn't that great, it isn't that .. well.. "professional" or how you people call it. But then when that thought came to my mind, I felt as if there was some battle going in my mind or something. Like, propositiona and opposing team, debators, whatever. But I know it wasn't making me feel good. My lips were trembling. They were the only part of my entire body that was trembling - so I know it's definitely not the fact that I was feeling EXTREMELY COLD .. But I knew it was probably something God is trying to tell me again. I just know it. I think either Auntie joyce or Auntie kar foon was saying some words .. And I began tearing. How could I have thought it was a simple song? It's written by me with the Holy Spirit IN me. How could it have failed when they've been playing it so many times? What's God telling me?

The answer was not clear. But the next sentence that came straight to my mind was that "Darkness in me trembles in Your light" .. It's in a song right? I couldn't remember which song. But I know that it kept appearing in my mind - repeatedly. Hmm.. well, I guess I gotta go ask Him tonight when I HAVE - not do - my qt :D

yeaaa ... moving on. Had dinner afterwards and apparently had fans sitting beside the table I was sitting in. LOL. ayyyyshhhh!! so embarrassing. Hmm .. ohh!! It had been a long time since I ate ... whatever noodle that was called =x And I ate it~ Along with chin chowwwww~~ yumyum :3

So now I'm gonna go wash clothes again then prac jap! :D:D

Washing cloth #268 ~
