
Friends do and don't ..

Friends don't ..
lie to each other
keep from each other
tell on one another
tease each other
bully each other
back-stab each other
keep their feelings from one another

Friends ..
tell each other secrets
share the glorious moments in their lives
help one another; build each other up
stand up for each other
are open to one another
truthful, trustworthy and honest to each other

We tell secrets to each other, why?
We hold trust in the friendship.

Trust? You mean like assurance that they won't tell on you?

Friends stand up for each other and build each other up. They do whatever they can do to help one another. Well of course, to do that, for example, helping a friend pull through a problem. You first have to get the FULL TRUTH/FACTS, analyze the situation, pray and think about what we can do - as a friend - to help. But of course, when the going gets tough, the other party just loses trust in the friend that helps, and well, it either winds down to the breakup in friendships of this minor cause or, just a slight cut in their trust with one another as the "method" did not work (or something). But there are things like our friend's family problems where it is beyond our help.

What to do? Advise is good.
Or advise them to go see a counselor, etc.

From experience, I've learnt a lot, some may be wrong, but I can assure that some are definitely right - by experience, like a said. But also, by experience ..

If friends are not like those described, at the BARE minimum, are they friends? Hey, I'm talkin' about GROUP friends, a little on the close friends. But mostly GROUP. I think it all rounds down to the first extremely IMPORTANT POINT THAT ALL FRIENDS NEED TO HAVE = Trust.

It's the same in relationships right? I mean, besides love and care and all that. trust, basic trust. But of course, they must be truthful and honest with one another, otherwise, in situations like helping, either won't work or the "problem" won't be solved.. in a proper ending, anyway. Or rather, if wrong info processes through, both parties may drift, and who knows what? they appear as a couple, but there they are, scandalous, behind their boyfriend/girlfriend's backs.

I don't even know why I'm typing this when I'm suppose to be watching bleach, but I guess it sure did get some things off my chest. This is post is NOT directed to anyone, k. I just felt like relieving what's inside of me right know. so PLEASE, critics and friends, don't bother trying to find fault or be sensitive about this post/message. It actually concerns me too.
