Roll Roll Roll the boat, gently down the stream ..


There shone the white moon
Miraculous it may seem to look
Almost complete, but missing something
It's missing a part, to make it whole.

Yes, I've not forgotten my science facts on the moon. A full moon is NOT equal to a new moon. A new moon is when you cannot see the moon. The full moon is a full moon. The moon cycle lasts for a period of 28 days .. etcetc.

I've been thinking a lot lately. Whenever I'm quiet, I've been reflecting a lot. Today while my mom drove me to stephanie's house, and Orlie was sitting beside me ever so afraid she might fall, insecure .. I was thinking about what she said the other day. It may not be harsh when I just say that incident alone. But when I thought through it, it might've been what happened earlier - even the day before - that caused me to let this add on so that I may break down and cry or something. It's just like when u build a pyramid of cards then a light feather or a breeze just land slightly on or sweep through the cards and they all fall off. I mean, I can't think of a better analogy than that.

It's true what max said and what my sister - or rather, her teacher - said: IF YOU ARE TOO OVERWHELMED WITH EMOTIONS, YOU CAN'T WRITE POEMS. And I thought about it. It was true. It was terrible. I guess that it's just a terrible fact. And I thought about what I was before. As sudden thoughts of what other people said and commented on me before earlier in the year .. And I thought about now. my current situation. Everytime I think of this, or these, tears just come streaming down my cheeks - at home at least. I don't wish to do it outside. it's too embarrassing. No one feels this way. I bet not even .. look, I don't even know who to quote/pick as an example. That's how miserable I feel now. I don't want to self-pity but when this sentence which was said out of min-ho's mouth either last week or two weeks before - that 9.30pm drama series (korean) on channel u - I can't help it. I'm human too. "I keep running .. I've come to realise that no matter how long I run, I go nowhere." Or somewhere similar to it.

I feel that it's disappointing. very. disappointing. I had a bad day today. Today's first part of cell totally related to me and something that happened the night before. Nothing serious, but I just gotta pull myself together and think of a solution to solve it before I let it pile up next to my other pile of misery. I feel oppressed. yes, that's the word. I feel that way. I remembered during ye there was something about the challenging between groups as to which group supports and don't support the whatever whatever stand thing. I'm not sure if it relates to this.. but .. I guess maybe it's true.

Sigh. goodness. I'm letting my emotions take over me again. UGHH!! I gotta pull myself together. Anyways, I'm just typing all this crap to make sure I've got everything out. Though there are some private things/matter no one has forced me out of - yet. and hopefully not. I'm not implying anything if any of you are getting skeptical, alright? I just want to say what's on my mind. GAWD. WHY AM I EVEN THINKING ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS?? THIS IS MYY BLOG. MINE. gosh. okay forget it. I can't stand this. I'm being watched everywhere. EVERYWHERE. I'm not talking about God, okay, i know He's omnipotent. But I'm talking about PEOPLE. thanks. and I hate being watched.

Roll Roll Roll the boat
gently down the stream
merrily merrily merrily merrily
just let it all out, it's just a dream

Swim Swim Swim around
Swim about in the sea
merrily merrily merrily merrily
no one will be there to see

hold hold hold your breath
stay still and nothing will go wrong
Hold, wait, sink to your death
To the world, farewell, goodbye, so long!

Thoughts can lead to suicidal. thankfully, I don't DIE physically. but maybe mentally and emotionally.

So I'll be keeping quiet when you talk about it, yeah? i won't create any trouble for you anymore.
