@ YE Chalet (:

MWAHHH ... :\

Yesterday rained for about the whole day ..? And mosuitoes swarmed everywhere this morning =.= As a result, in just 2 hours - walking outside too, of course, awhile.. - I'd got bitten by them 8-9 times.

Yesterday slept on the floor on the towel they provided and used another towel as a blanket. LOL! Sounds funny, but seriously, I think I'm gonna catch a cold if I do it again tonight - NOT TO MENTION BACKACHE >.<

Yesterday was quite an exciting day for me. I think. haha, gaming, full time. so on and so forth. I've managed to get people addicted to sneezies! :DD How awesome is that? them learning to be kind-hearted creatures, saving fluffy stuff but poofing 'em :D

Hmmm.. a little disappointed though. Like, a should've-known-better thing.. Like, yeah, we should've expanded the budget for food because it would seem we're running out of stock .. More people will be coming later and I think we'd need to go buy more stuff .......

Anyways, this had not hindered me from enjoying myself here (: Sighs. However, due to my insomnia, I just slept for 3 hours. slept at 4am and woke up at 7.10am.. okay, about 3 hours I guess. I was too cold, and my back was aching -.- So I had no choice but to wake up .. Actually the thing about insomnia is.. I really don't mind sleeping late.. But.. I have BAD BAD headaches because I could never EVER take afternoon naps. I just won't sleep.

And so.. now, early in the morning.. I'm stoning at regina's laptop. Yes, she brought her laptop ._. I tried watching anime, but the graphics were not able to keep up with the audio.. quite irritated watching it. Nevertheless, I did enjoy ep 7 of K-On s2(:

OH! There're kittens & cats here too! Mothers/Fathers of all of them: Clara, Ben. Some? Aaron. haha! I just let one on me.

I'm really quite afraid they carry all the bacteria and stuff.. cos.. well, I DO have a dog at home and I have to mind what animal I touch before I hug orlie right.. The other time orlie kana fungi ): Then I think spread to me too! once. But I think I'm cured alr. LOL!

OKAY! back to stoning.
