
One step, Two step, Three ...

Yesterday - if I remembered the day right - I was on my way home, walking the underpass of serangoon mrt from the blue to the green one.. Then I saw this little boy that jumped from a white tile to the another. and only the white ones. hehe, brings back a lot of memories! I used to do that too. hehe. just that it's not only white, but the brown tiles as well. It's either full white or full brown anyway.

Well, I'd like to mention that because.. I think what gz tuan needs right now is progress. Yes, the big - no, HUGE - problem is that they talk. a lot. too much. Normally, I'd be quite okay with it, but you know, it's too much to the extent where they lack of discipline and that irritates me quite a bit.. When they talk, they don't listen to the important things to take note. So they end up playing the wrong thing and it affects people around her. They'd probably ask like, "oh, like that play one ah?" kind of thing .. But oh well, I've seen much improvement since the beginning of the year already and I believe that they are teachable :D and all they need now is discipline and self-control ..

Aside from guzheng matters, I begin to realise the importance of taking one step at a time and what great results this slow but steady process would come with. For this I must thank God for. For realising, that is (: Honestly, I think you guys should try it too. The best part is, you don't have to worry throughout the entire process because that's the part when you trust and put your faith in God, believing; having the assurance that everything will be all right :D

Alright, I better get going. gotta wake up real early tomorrow, 6am. school ends at 3pm tomorrow. I'LL SURVIVE! somehow.
