

Had a crazy morning of gz prac from 8.30am-1pm. it was madness.. we played the same song over and over and over and over. I thought I was gonna drop my head on my guzheng with my hands on the strings of it. and no, it didn't end at 1pm.. of course not! It ended at 1.40pm instead. remaining about 40 min for the other song, guang ling san. hehe during the first recording - which my lao shi realised later after the "second" recording of another section of the song that the first and second recording was recorded because he forgot to turn the switch on - he said, "guang ling SHan .." ahhahaha! they way he said it was like.. =x eunice and I couldn't help but did the silent giggle. hehehe :D

The practice was good because it wasn't only fun but strict as well. Very disciplined, rather. I'd realised how disciplined my group became as well! They began to react quickly when I wanted their attention. so that's a good point there :D Another good point's that gz tuan has become kinda united and as a tuan, we're all highly disciplined - well, at least when it comes to he zou with lao shi ba =s - as all it took was merely 3 seconds to make sure the whole room is silent after lao shi put his hands up or signals with his hand swiped away, showing by what he terms it as "bu yao le".

As practice ended late, I was late for worship prac as well. by 30 minutes. but oh well. it wasn't much to worry about since we didn't have much of a problem with the prac. haha except for me getting the beat right for "beautiful saviour" :\ Glad the worship wasn't too bad I guess, considering it is the first time all of us played together as a band. haha actually, I think it's just max. as in, the difference. since I've played with eunice, ben and saul before.. and the guitarist that time was.. aaron. if I'm not wrong..

I was pretty much gloomy though. or rather, felt gloomy. Didn't know why. Then my mind suddenly thought of this: being "bad" isn't the worst, it's being "neutral" that is the worst. And I felt neutral. I felt NEUTRAL. why did I feel neutral in church? Wasn't I empowered by the Holy Spirit especially with that song "For All You've Done"? Shouldn't I be feeling happy I'm in church listening to Ps William teaching us about God's word. Being an avid christian, enthu about church and when I'm in church, listening to the gospel? Then I realised. my mind was elsewhere. it was faraway. I was beginning to worry for my sis again. This didn't mean that I wasn't listening to Ps William. nono, I was listening. I just felt.. neutral. right.

When Ps William talked about being ashamed of the gospel. I was reflecting again. About what I've done. And how much I've developed as an a.v.i.d. christian. I felt guilty about the things I've done before. However, I did feel some sense of encouragement when I realised how much I've developed so far, knowing that there're so many areas in my life that can be improved. So I guess yep. neutral feeling again. hah.. =s

I must thank God for this though. haha though I'm under this crazy and immense stress of cca and my studies and all the peer pressure (results, etc. though I wouldn't say a lot. but still, it's that little bit.) I'm feeling neutral. haha at least I'm not being happy. otherwise, there'd be something wrong with me alr. hahhaha! But don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I was never happy =.= it's just that .. well, not happy for long I guess. especially when there're constant reminders of ccas the following day or week.. or hw to be completed by next week.. gah..

Hmm.. went dinner with paul, luke amos, gerald, saul, eunice, martin, regina, max and steph today. And I went home alone since regina went with the others to play pool. and I missed my stop -.- so I walked back. or rather, since the road was a little bit complicated, I walked further down, crossed the overhead bridge and found a bus stop, took 65 to macpherson mrt then take the train down to serangoon mrt and walk home. it's a good thing Singapore's small! :D

Alright. I'd better get started on my holiday homework before retiring for the day (:
