Couldn't believe it

Yet another miracle!

God has done so many things in my life I can never fully repay for. Today, again he has shown me yet another miracle! I was super scared for lit (today's common test paper) because I'd nearly forgotten a lot of incidents in the beginning chapters and still unsure of a few chapters. I couldn't get to finish my revision because I was way too tired. I couldn't stand the stress and the late-night sleeping with my synus infection still not cured. And I can tell you, yesterday was HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE about the whole nausea and persistent headache and all that. Still, God blessed me yesterday night AND today - that I found out after sleeping for 2 hours just now and laid in my bed for another half an hour reciting the ss stuff I remembered last week and this monday.

Thing is, yesterday night, as I've typed here, I was super stress. really really stressed. I was so pressurized because for last term's overall result I've improved by about 5% from term 1 & I pressurized myself to improve even more this term. I was looking forward for good grades this term, since I never really had disclarifications (correct?) But I think I kinda forgot about lit. & worse, ENGLISH. oh my goodness. And right, yesterday I had english paper. The whole time I've been reminding myself and yet, just yesterday morning when I woke up, I really DIED hearing myself say so. It's just I JUST realised. And I wasn't even mentally prepared for it. doom. But thankfully, I guess it wasn't so bad, so, yeah, I was thinking about church stuff and how they said that you know, if you failed, I shouldn't grief over it and well, it doesn't really matter, as long as I learn from my mistakes & don't make it again - or at least try to - right? From this I guess u should know how I did for my english common test ._. *gulps*

And so for the miracle. Yesterday night while I was busy panicking and flipping through the CCM book, Eeyore sent me a message of assurance that it'd be on the characters. And so I focused. Or at least with this "focus-on-something-to-study-on" made my mind assured that it'd be on characters and I was able to calm down and study a little bit on the other things. & so I enjoyed reading the book yesterday night. Laughing like some mad woman =x

This mornin' as I woke up, I asked God to calm my heart down and so he did! While I was washing up in the toilet, I washed my face and did a little prayer - yes, I know it's awkward to do so in the toilet, but desperate moments calls for desperate "measures" right? :\ Well, and so after the quick washup I wiped my face with my face towel and I paused for a moment because all I suddenly realise I was focusing on was just what I memorized and that well, it's not like a rush-through things because I'm afraid I won't be able to recite it all, but it's slow and steady. From here, another miracle. [fyi, it's really hard for me to calm down at times, esp tests; a lot of anxiety and stuff :\] Later on during my test, I started to worry again, what if whatever I remembered was not enough to even fill HALF the page? Oh my goodness. Then I panicked again. Then I thought about yesterday night and this morning. I thought to myself, "God will help me, I know he will. I have to trust Him. If I don't, I fail." That sounded quite.. weird. But hey, I was panicking, alright. Especially since the stupid march was playing in the morning and I was practically running down to the assembly area, hoping not to be late - don't wanna stand at the side ._.

Then I heard myself saying, "This test is not about whether I pass my literature test or not. It's whether I trust God to help me for this test." & so during the test, I managed to write quite a lot.. and so on and so forth.

You might be wondering, "How are you so free when I have SS test tomorrow?" And imagine ss is more than lit. Well, answer is, I've already studied that last week and so on (as mentioned earlier) So all I need to do later is to practice the amount of time I use to write all the facts out. yupp-i-dy yupp! :DD

Guess what? Because I've studied most of ss already [like almost complete], God allowed me to rest today!! YIPEE!!!! :DD So glad!! I got to sleep almost 3 hours!! Okay, 2h+ but the other remaining time was given to me to recite my ss stuff... but I still rested on my bed right? haha =x

Oh wells.. Hmm.. in the meantime I was thinking about watching bleach.. and just when I went to the webpage I felt funny. why? It felt as if I was watching bleach for the first time ._.

sighs. sadsad.
