Been through quite a bit ..

Nothing much(:

Just here to say thanks to God for whatever He has done for me. Well, just another thing, a little surprised when Pastor Joseph talked about John 3:16 because just yesterday night I was talking to God about it. And well, amazingly, about the same meaning as well. I mean, it's always the same process. People lock their eyes on something that amaze them and they become so enamoured to it. Then slowly as they constantly receive "it" they take advantage of "it" and they forget the importance of "it". But later, people realise that what they did was wrong, then they repent and ask for forgiveness. Then the whole cycle repeats. Sighs. such human mistakes, are not really avoidable, but I really do hope that with God helping me and that because He is for me, He will help me pull through such battles on Earth.

Anyways, while I was listening to Pastor Joseph - for the first time, not falling asleep - I was pretty amazed by many things that he'd said because part - almost half of it - was what I've experienced this week. All at one shot & about the miracle on Friday? Yepp. that one too. I tend to be a little logical at things - certain things. But then again, if I were to give a testimony on that, I wouldn't be able to give a logical explanation, now would I? haha ..... - fades laughter ..
