Mad with work

Mad with work

studying, rather.

It would seem I'm getting used to sec 4 life already; come home, head straight for my room, put my bag down, take out all the studying materials (since tests are up, there's no hw.. not much at least ..), put my bottle on my desk, take my giam chai, sit on my chair, take out a pen and start to wreck my brains.

I've realised it's become a daily routine which is good, in a way. But then again, it's either too much workload, or that I can't sleep that I feel so extremely tired when I walk home. My studying, however, is not really affected. Not till today I guess. Today's probably the second time already. I was really tired from studying yan yu =.= (btw, i realised I memorised the wrong one. thankfully I didn't memorise all of it wrong, at least I memorised 10 out of 25 that was needed to memorise. Apparently, I got the numbers for yan yu and guan yong yu mixed -.-) so I dozed off while studying yanyu. I woke up 5 minutes later to set my phone alarm to another 15 minutes. Unfortunately, due to this bad habit of mine, I snoozed it again for a few times then changed it to 1h later - from the time I slept and kept snoozing the alarm.

I slept pretty long and I'm more awake and alert now. Just took a bath as well. Today was really really warm to the extent I really felt like I was melting T-T No saul, I'm not hot, I'm cool. (ice-cream)

Anyways, I'm currently studying for ss sbq tomorrow. memorizing the format and a few useful words I can use to describe situations and such. There's gonna be an inference and usefulness question. I hope I wouldn't spend too much time on the usefulness question though .. and I hope so badly I wouldn't infer wrongly T_T

Hmmm.. aside from all the work, I've been watching anime~ muahaha! a great stress-relief and motivation to study more! :D Well, to play more, there's a guilty feeling of not studying, well, to me that is. So I guess watching anime, in a way, is a good thing =x

After school today, was on my way to optical centre shop to collect my contacts - only to find out that they were closed today .. or rather, at that time =.= Oh well, on my way there, I learnt a new word! I was so interested in the names of animes. Apparently, the first name that came to my mine was kazehaya. hehe, cos kaze = wind. and I've been seeing that kanji word a lot recently. kazehaya isn't a word. so I searched haya. haya = fast. cos hayaku is used when you want to hurry a person, right? hmmm.. hehe. then I looked through the jap. dictionary of the words that contain haya, I saw hayane. Oo.

早ね = go to bed early.

yeah, totally.
