second last day of school


The beautiful sparrow
In the twilight it'll glow
When 'vr it sings to the woe
It'll sing out this sorrow

Nothing's really happening nowadays.. boredd.


Lighting a flame in the moonlight
Approaching darkness, afraid it might bite
Trees and the moon were howling
This night of The Feasting

Sitting around the fire
keen to find out this night's victim
Whom to be chosen to satisfy it's hungry desire
Could it be me, you, her, him ..?

Cries of sparrows
Sqwuaking of birds
The feasting begins
May it RULE and REIGN

Footsteps of the inhumane
Chains of frigid movement in the trees
Come, bring out the champagne!
Let's enjoy the FEAST!

Its glacial smile remained icy cold
Eyes spiritless and glistens in the twilight
Who would be as bold
to stand up and fight?
