Smiles all the way ((:

Regardless of what happen today
I must maintain my smile all the way
Only then will I overcome my past
And fully forgetting it all at last

Let's talk about positive things today:

+ Teacher's president's award [ thought this was "fun" in a way, but I didn't bother doing it.. ]
+ I got my sleep during chinese lesson [ about 20mins as round-up? or down? zzz.. felt like 6 hours of nice sleep ]
+ Was glad as God gave us mercy on not handing in homework today ((: [ Even the ones I already did, like chinese gong han. Physics I didn't do. Math didn't even like.. how to say, got do, I really did. But all my answers are WAYYYYY different from the textbook. guess which math did I do? -.- ]
+ Math lesson was super funny. BOB! YOU THEN SARCASTIC LAH! [ Even though the conversation was so STUPID, EVERYONE STILL LAUGHED BECAUSE IT WAS STUPID! YEAAAA~~ ]
+ Math remedial let me learn how to do two new questions. Rest was a piece of cake!! :DD [ Finally mastered/almost mastered E math indices -.- ]
+ Finished trying out offertory song for this Sunday [ My Church's One Foundation ]
+ Memorized my score for tomorrow's guzheng LESSON.
One not so bad point came out of this: I forgot to practice for tomorrow's CCA. LOL!!

And I'm guessing I'm gonna go watch my show now. No, take out contact lens first, then watch my show, then.. eat dinner. Time now is 9.12pm.

Thank you for tuning in to the qeurio channel. May you tune in next time to Channel 333 for the qeurio channel. This is KIO, and thank you for reading (:

