It bothers me

It bothers me

And I'm certainly not looking forward to it.

Release of Prelim 1 results tomorrow. Well, some papers. Not sure of the schedule yet, but I'm really not looking forward to it. After my geog teach went through both geog papers, I was really really disppointed. and furious. It was something we were taught before, and taught to do so, and she, being one of the two teachers who marked our scripts never told us in term 1 that we couldn't - needn't actually - write the intro. of a LORMS question. We were always taught that the intro, body and conclusion structure is crucial to answering the question (aside from the content and evaluation of course.) And now then she come tell us - no, scold us - why we waste so much time writing the intro.

Even after those words that our principal comforted us with.. all about prelims 1 not gonna be very good and will most probably be meeting her with our parents and all. I'm totally prepared, really. But yeah, I wasn't comforted at all. If she knew, why was there even a need for the meeting?

ah. and I'm probably pmsing now.

I hate it.
I don't know why.
I just hate it.
