STRESS-FREE HURRY HURRY!! what broken english -.-

For too long I've lived in constant fear
For too long I've not let out a tear
For too long Your voice I do not hear
For too long will You then disappear

GAWSH... okay, I realise I keep saying that..

I totally missed out one FULL FOUR-MARK QUESTION TODAY FOR GEOG PAPER. oh gawd.


Best, only right after the test, Cara called me stupid for not knowing that "discharge" referred to the rock fragments. OH GAWD! THEN HAVE TO LIST OUT AND DESCRIBE THOSE FOUR EROSION PROCESSES!! IT WAS ALL IN MY HEAD BUT I COULD NOT ANSWER IT JUST BECAUSE I HAD NO IDEA WHAT DISCHARGE MEANT. oh gawd. I seriously need english tuition. Otherwise my other subjects uh, like geog uh, can say byebye le.

WA XI LIAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just realised it's been too long since I've painted a picture too -.-

*turns to look at someone....*

HAHA!! jkjk. It's all in my art cupboard. Just that this year's been really really busy and I barely have time to take up my art leisures in painting.. Mostly I've spent my free time on the computer, musical instruments, school work/projects, going out with my friends or playing badminton with them..

Busy life.. gosh. I wonder how I'm gonna cope in the coming years of my life if THIS is called madness.

Tml's chinese and I gotta go mug again.. OH. CRAP. circular template. GOSH! CHEM CLASS TEST IS TOMORROW!! GAHHHHHHH!!!!! I NEED TO STUDY!!!!
