Sorry long time no post =x

I give up

Each corner of my eye
I can see your face flash by
Of sure, I most definitely can't deny
I love you too much
that I need to pause awhile to cry

I decided to run far away
At least, away from you
There I avoided you,
There I stayed

Then I met
someone new
along the way
He let me join his crew

"Ahoy! Matey!
Welcome aboard
You're welcome to stay
And leave when you're bored"

He was kind and nice,
But he wasn't my type
I liked someone with a little spice..
And so I moved on

As I kept going on this long journey
I feel trapped
Hurt, and so very curious
To find out this strange mystery

But when one says
"Curiosity kills the cat",
I guess that's what they meant
when I saw a dead, stinkin' bat
wearing a red and bloody hat

I've finally realized it all, that
this was all a stupid trap
A stupid trap I should not have fallen into
And now all I have is you

It's you I've been wanting to deal with
from the start
But I did not know why, I had
to run away from you and part

I see more tempting traps
before my very eyes
what my painful heart desires
I had to ignore them with, "goodbyes"

I'm shutting all my doors
There I stood shaking
Cold and dusty were the floors
I was pretty sure
This was the best way for hiding.

YES!! I'm so sorry I didn't get to share any story or continue my bear story, whatsoever . I scared my ideas are same as the um.. movies and stuff =="

NONONO!! I am NOT gonna discontinue this Bear Story thing . NO WAY! I just need more time --"


