Woke up @ 10am+ today .
Drank one cup of milk and left the house with my report book .
Guess what? I forgot my school badge and ran back to the house to get it . And I wasn't planning to wake orlie up . but since I opened the door and kinda turned it "loudly" I guessed I woke her up .. OH, and another thing, when I got there, and I just put my school badge on (lazy to put my name tag), I realised that the security guard didn't even ask for my name tag/badge - so much for actually running back to the house to get my badges .
Then I met Jelene on the way on bus 53 (:
we talked and talked till we stopped at the opposite-school-bus-stop . and after we almost reach class ..
Then we met amanda and her friends . Thankfully, she told us that the report books were to be given to her (monitress) 'cos Ms Tan not in . And so, we need not walk the extra steps to the classroom!! ((:
And so everyone dumped the report books with ah ma xD
Then went to eat lunch with Nadia and Jelene at the nearby coffeeshop (:
Afterwards, we parted ways as Nadia goes back to school for her meeting, Jelene goes to her cousin's house to fetch her cousin to go to her house .. uh.. and me? well.. I wanted and initially, Jelene agreed to follow me go Braddell Heights CC to see if there were any activities I'd like to participate in . Well, to me, the CC was big and I hate going alone in bigbig places . So I needed someone to follow me .
Called Wei Ting, no answer. x3/4 times.
Called Amabel's house maid blur blur, after more than 1 min, say she not at home, got kinda pissed off talking to her -__- . x1 time .
Called Amabel's phone, no answer. x1 time.
Didn't know who else to call . then I called zoey . she wasn't free either .
OH well.. I still went by myself though .. walk and walk and walk ... with two just-borrowed-today books with my wallet and phone on my left arm, with right hand supporting the valuables .. then I stood outside the CC entrance while I look at the people pass by me, going in and out of the CC like going in and out from their own houses .. Feels weird to just stand there, so I made myself welcome and took a step in .
I walked outside the "office" room for quite some time . It was a glass wall with two glass doors . I felt like I'm a stalker .. or something . I DON'T KNOW .. The people inside didn't seem to bother though, I could hear the buzzing from outside . They were very loud . I glanced through the clear glass and saw the "activities" letter . And so I took a deep breath, and with courage, I opened the door, turn to the left and immediately took out the letter and glanced at it . I must've glanced at it for quite a long time and I began to hear some aunties talking about my school . zzz ..
And so after the .. quick-long glancing, I put the letter back in and gathered all the info I needed in my phone . then left .
Funny I felt that my heart started to STOP beating so fast after leaving the office and the CC ..
Then went home. played maple.
Then made new friends and blahblahblahblah . Life goes on and on and on and on .
Sigh.. I think chengxi gave me the disease already T.T
'Cos now when I talk about random things, people don't respond .
sigh . heartbrokened .
Also, I saw a painful past that I thought .. well, mistaken for someone else till I saw the NAME .. Um .. well, I hope 某人 knows that she learnt her lesson ahhh ... hopefully my blog posts helped ((((:
HOPEFULLY . don't know whether it did or not .
Well, I guess I have nothing else to say .. well, cya! {:

Woke up @ 10am+ today .
Drank one cup of milk and left the house with my report book .
Guess what? I forgot my school badge and ran back to the house to get it . And I wasn't planning to wake orlie up . but since I opened the door and kinda turned it "loudly" I guessed I woke her up .. OH, and another thing, when I got there, and I just put my school badge on (lazy to put my name tag), I realised that the security guard didn't even ask for my name tag/badge - so much for actually running back to the house to get my badges .
Then I met Jelene on the way on bus 53 (:
we talked and talked till we stopped at the opposite-school-bus-stop . and after we almost reach class ..
Then we met amanda and her friends . Thankfully, she told us that the report books were to be given to her (monitress) 'cos Ms Tan not in . And so, we need not walk the extra steps to the classroom!! ((:
And so everyone dumped the report books with ah ma xD
Then went to eat lunch with Nadia and Jelene at the nearby coffeeshop (:
Afterwards, we parted ways as Nadia goes back to school for her meeting, Jelene goes to her cousin's house to fetch her cousin to go to her house .. uh.. and me? well.. I wanted and initially, Jelene agreed to follow me go Braddell Heights CC to see if there were any activities I'd like to participate in . Well, to me, the CC was big and I hate going alone in bigbig places . So I needed someone to follow me .
Called Wei Ting, no answer. x3/4 times.
Called Amabel's house maid blur blur, after more than 1 min, say she not at home, got kinda pissed off talking to her -__- . x1 time .
Called Amabel's phone, no answer. x1 time.
Didn't know who else to call . then I called zoey . she wasn't free either .
OH well.. I still went by myself though .. walk and walk and walk ... with two just-borrowed-today books with my wallet and phone on my left arm, with right hand supporting the valuables .. then I stood outside the CC entrance while I look at the people pass by me, going in and out of the CC like going in and out from their own houses .. Feels weird to just stand there, so I made myself welcome and took a step in .
I walked outside the "office" room for quite some time . It was a glass wall with two glass doors . I felt like I'm a stalker .. or something . I DON'T KNOW .. The people inside didn't seem to bother though, I could hear the buzzing from outside . They were very loud . I glanced through the clear glass and saw the "activities" letter . And so I took a deep breath, and with courage, I opened the door, turn to the left and immediately took out the letter and glanced at it . I must've glanced at it for quite a long time and I began to hear some aunties talking about my school . zzz ..
And so after the .. quick-long glancing, I put the letter back in and gathered all the info I needed in my phone . then left .
Funny I felt that my heart started to STOP beating so fast after leaving the office and the CC ..
Then went home. played maple.
Then made new friends and blahblahblahblah . Life goes on and on and on and on .
Sigh.. I think chengxi gave me the disease already T.T
'Cos now when I talk about random things, people don't respond .
sigh . heartbrokened .
Also, I saw a painful past that I thought .. well, mistaken for someone else till I saw the NAME .. Um .. well, I hope 某人 knows that she learnt her lesson ahhh ... hopefully my blog posts helped ((((:
HOPEFULLY . don't know whether it did or not .
Well, I guess I have nothing else to say .. well, cya! {: