.. Actually I came back yesterday night .
BUT, was just too lazy to upload and post xD
Anyways u see lah, put in a lot of "effort" to upload leh ..
I must pick all the pics for that day.. aka first day in Korea .
Then PURPOSELY arrange so "nice" uhh ..
Well .. Anyways, today I started school DD:
I had the mind set that today would be great,
and guess what? IT WAS GREAT!!
Then I also realised that SIAN LING aka guzheng senior,
was in my class O.O
Met many new classmates too .
ISABEL and SHERLYN!! Gave u guys ur present le :D
Anyways, back to the Korea trip part .
BTW, DAY 1 is flying to Korea . So no Day 1 ><"
At the airport in Korea (Seoul) .. WHY SO BLURR DE?! who take one?!!
BLEH . I closed my eyes --"
Went to our first destination~~
I HAVE NO IDEA where this place is =="
Look at the tree!! It's wrapped O.O
Went to another "UNKOWN" place .. OOO!! WATEERRRR!!
Out of "RANDOMROSITY", I took these two pics, up & down :D

.. Actually I came back yesterday night .
BUT, was just too lazy to upload and post xD
Anyways u see lah, put in a lot of "effort" to upload leh ..
I must pick all the pics for that day.. aka first day in Korea .
Then PURPOSELY arrange so "nice" uhh ..
Well .. Anyways, today I started school DD:
I had the mind set that today would be great,
and guess what? IT WAS GREAT!!
Then I also realised that SIAN LING aka guzheng senior,
was in my class O.O
Met many new classmates too .
ISABEL and SHERLYN!! Gave u guys ur present le :D
Anyways, back to the Korea trip part .
BTW, DAY 1 is flying to Korea . So no Day 1 ><"
I HAVE NO IDEA where this place is =="
My sis happened to see and also, bought later, this gun . Then took this pic .
She took this pic too . See HOW FAT this bird is . My sis really went close, see her shadow? THE BIRD DIDN'T EVEN CARE TO MOVE!!! O.O
Family photo :D
O.O The statue very cute right? The craftsmen very good you know . I actually saw this pig riding a horse statue, but I guess forgot to take a picture of it DD;
JOKER~ MUAHAHA!! I'm strong too!!
YAY!! In ... PARIS?!?! O.O
The time when she was selling her cabbages? See that cancel sign there? IT'S THERE!! xD
The .... DUNNO WHAT bridge O.O
Haha, here's a few details about what happened ..
1st day: Singapore fly to Seoul
2nd day: Seoul fly to jeju island
We did a little shopping before flying to jeju island .
We sat for the economy one . hahs .
Listen to radio . I listened to Number 19 .
The best - CLASSIC (:
They showed 'City of Amber' .
Then if wanna listen, go to number 1 or 2
then look at tv in front .
They also had a very interesting toilet!! xD
After reach jeju island, we all settled in
The living got one BIG SCREEn tv,
two bathrooms . One with bathtub and tv and the other,
just a shower thingy . Of cos, got toilet bowl lah!!
DAMN COOL TOO!! Got buttons to press de xD
Watched CSI with family and then after that
my parents went to their room to sleep .
Then my sis and I continued watching, 'The island' .
Because our beds were in the living room, we tucked in and watch .
EVEN THOUGH, there was a big couch in front of our beds .
I slept on the bed nearer to the window .
My sis slept on the other bed, nearer to the wall .
THIS was the first day ..