

I've been doing the regular reflections.. especially deep ones. And as for this post, I'll sum up some thoughts for today. It's not full, just part of it.

To fulfill what the Lord had taught and tasked me to do. Forfeit my own desires to help others. It's not that difficult. I did it before and I felt much better than the relaxed life I have now. Lord, make use of me, help me to be of help to others like how you used me before; to put others before myself once again.

My actions I've not carried out. Proves nothing. Thoughts are simply not enough..

It's up to me..? but why? right. I'm growing up, becoming more independent in action, making decisions.. There're so many important decisions to make at my age. Family, future, friendships, related. So many, but I'm not alone. God, give me courage.
