Breaking free

Breaking free

There's a duty I must fulfill. There's a task I am on. There's a sense of responsibility that I hold. And that's something.. something I long to do. I'm no longer gonna sit there and keep it to myself all the time. Whatever comes out, I've a recorder and notepad ready in my hand. I'm determined to do it. Because I want to. It's my calling. Even if it's just 99.99999% that I'm sure it is, I believe God gave me this talent for a reason. It's more than crystal clear. I'm gonna do it. No matter what, even if it'll take me months, I'll do it.

Cos like I said, it's a duty I must fulfill, a task I am on, sense of responsibility that comes with it, something that I want to do because I feel that God had called me to do so.


Besides, all that, how've the holidays been for you guys? Hmm.. I felt I'd only enjoyed the last two weeks of the holidays =.= Oh man.. so quick and in a blink of an eye, I'd be sitting for my prelims already): Not to mention, chinese Oral on 6 July!):): gah.. hate chinese):

Okay, I don't even know when's english oral. or chinese listening compre.......

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Hmm.. I wish ........ oh nvm.
