Composing: (p.s. can't think of a title)

Intense starting, soothing, classical with a bit of tension here and there.

Reason why I composed it?

Well, it was the time when I was feeling really vexed, confused, fustrated .
Almost to a point where I don't even know if that simple matter is right or not .
Combination of family matters, friendships, relationships ...
It's the part when I thought everything was at its place, but just then, trouble
comes and destroy my so-called "happy ending" or moment rather .
And when it happened so often then I go used to it . Felt so nonchalant towards
it . Until God spoke to me, telling me of why I should SIT HERE AND SULK?
Shouldn't I be seeking God's help?? Yeah, and so .. I did . And well, I'm halfway
there, that's what I'm glad to say (:

Yeapps.. but anyways, this song is about the tension .. yeah ..

Inspired from many songs, but especially the one on my IT blog? haha .
Don't ask why I put that song anyway .

The books that my father bought for me..

He told me not to tell my mum about it - about the fact that he bought me
three books concerning relationships . I could understand . My mum would
immediately flare up and think I might've gotten into a secret relationship
again .. And so .. here are the three books (I read it from order):

-I've kissed dating goodbye (Currently on this book)
- Boy meets girl
- Sex is not the problem (lust is)

All by the same author, Joshua Harris .

I've made up my mind already . Well, that is, to read all these books before
I start to do it . Well, it's just an advice . But I shall heed it . Well, after all,
I my dad (parents) understand me best . So I shall read it .

After reading the first portion of "I've kissed dating goodbye", I felt the
sense of guiltiness in me . Now I know why I shouldn't date at this age .
To sum up why, it's because I'm too young . Dating young = not having
marriage plans = not having long-term relationship with partner = having a
lot of break-ups with many partners, breaking many many hearts, and affecting
them, that pops up this question in their minds, "How can I love someone else
after I've showered all my love on my ex?" Well .. at least, that's what I'm
thinking now . I feel so sick . Like it's hard to love someone again . And it hurts
me so much to the extend that well, I have a mindset that I'll be single forever .

There are so many scriptures in the Bible that make me confused when I try
to link them together . I tried to link the facts of pastors' lectures and the Bible .
I then realised it's not as easy as I thought, you know . And each time I try to link,
it's possible, but then the previous one won't link anymore - that kinda thing .
And I'm still wondering, what IS the truth? Will it ever reveal itself?
Oh, I wish God can come down right now and tell me everything . I have so
many questions as do I presume A LOT of you may agree too, I guess .


Oh man .. When those two words pop into my mind, I'll go into a panic attack .
I heard I've been selected to represent my class for tomorrow's public speaking
competition!!!! ._.
I'm so freaked out about it ............................................................!!

