Etude House Shopping Spreees!~

Etude House Shopping Spreeesss!!~~

So glad I didn't miss the 40% discount sale! yay!!! Today's the last day~ It was actually 30% but an additional 10% discount for members. NGEHEHEHHEHEHH! And so I bought so many masks and a really glittery pink nail polish. It's my first time getting one glitter one, so I'm pretty excited to see how it looks like! (I used to have one that's like kinda gel-ish, but it has a base colour for you to put, so it's different from this one that I bought.)

The reason why I bought masks was because I felt that it gives this really relaxing feel right after, especially those overnight gel masks or something, it just gives me a refreshing glow in the morning and I feel just so instantly refreshed, ready for work, ready for the day, ready for anything, HAPPY INSIDE OUT HAHA~ my skin's happy yay~ ok fine, my face skin, okay?

p.s. I sleep with the aircon on most of the time so my skin on other areas can be quite dry. No worries! I'm making an effort to apply moisturizer - although I do know it's better to not sleep with air con either ways. ....... T.T it's singapore's weather, I guess.. *sob*

So here's one of the masks I bought!

haha~ xD yes, I laughed when I saw the name on the top left of the product. It's so sad but.. I mean, it's a really wrong name man. I mean, not suggesting any .. erm.. bad connotation or something, I'm just saying... it has absolutely no relation to what I know of "Job's tears" and it's used in such an odd manner! Oh well, I guess the person who did it had his/her reasons.

I look like a zombie... but after putting it on (with the mask on), I feel like I look happier or something HAHA! I think it's cos I don't see a different in the skin tone between nose bridge, cheeks and areas under my eyes.... Hence, why they look "brighter" and "less dull" as compared to when I'm not wearing the mask xD I'm not even sure how to describe this feeling.

Well, I'm gonna have to remove this soon! I don't know if this really works (moisturizes, even out uneven skin tones on covered areas), but I'm already liking it, seeing how it kinda is able to fit almost nicely on my face, SMELLS GOOD, and feels good with it on :) :) p.s. even the solution on the mask is not too sticky like other masks. which is good! :D :D

#thethingsIdoduringmyhols #pampering #etudehouse #happy #relaxed #semistickyfingers

Alright! I'm gonna go remove them now~ till the next post guys! :D :D
