Because I want to.

Because I want to.

It's funny how it's ALWAYS the same every time I watch youtube vids - particularly from "click". I always feel like blogging. Haha! No, blogging here DOES NOT indicate me watching a vid from that channel before.

Anyways, here's a photo of what I got earlier! Ngehehehehh.. This is what happens when I walk into any department store that sells make-up products I'm ever so interested to try. Ah yes, and also because my mom was with me that I got this for "free". Ngehehehhh..~~

p.s. don't mind my messy look, haha I totally took this impromptu. and it's really late at night. and I'm about to sleep anyway. so. ah~~ don't care xD

This is Maybelline's Baby Skin Pore Eraser. I wonder if it really works.

Only way to find out is to try it! >:D muahahha.

Can't wait to do so when I head out with the girls tomorrow! I think we'll be going around orchard central, then to cathay and somewhere. I'm just gonna be out the whole day and I really can't wait 'cos it's been like ages since I'd last met these babes.

It's been a rather stressful and tiring week, so I've decided to really enjoy things now. After the recent events that took place, I felt a little different. Yes, aside from the fact that I became much more appreciative towards things, I realise I became more teachable as well. You could say I became more obedient too. Although there are certain things I dread doing - and I still do, like house chores; ironing, cooking, doing laundry - when I'm told to do it, I do not hesitate to. I honestly hope that things'll stay this way - if not, improve from here on - because I'd hate to go back to where I was in the past week.

Today as I attended the leader's mentoring session, Pastor Andrew talked about "Scriptures just being a sign that points to a path where we're supposed to go", in between, there were a lot of stuff he talked about where I grew interest in after listening to him talk after awhile. I could tell there was a huge change in me - I don't know when or how, but I suddenly was just... different. I could tell I'm still a baby drinking milk, or perhaps I did grow, but I'm eating soft pallets or something. Okay, I just made myself sound like a pet there -.- Well, you know what I mean. I've so much more to learn, so much more to grow, I've yet to handle even greater revelations. I've yet to find out so much more about God. I don't have time to assume a definition of something I learnt and let it be just that! It's actually so so much more. One example is grace. Just how about "grace" do you understand? Do you understand how great and awesome it is? Do you understand in its FULLNESS of how much of a value it holds? 'Cos I don't. I don't. yet. YET.

I will, soon. In time to come, as I humble myself further before God and learn to see the world through His eyes. "It's time to grow," I just told myself. Then after thinking about it, actually, I should never stop growing. Dang, pride always puts a wall in front of me.

Human, human, human.

It's not an excuse to stop growing, to stop finding even more about God.

Love is a choice, and choices reflect my priorities, it reflects what I love. Lately, my brain hasn't been linked to my heart so whatever it does, it's totally like, independent from what my heart thinks. This was a major, MAJOR problem because completely spelt danger. I became the biggest hypocrite in the world without even knowing it. Now I do, of course. I'm glad I found out myself and not in another way... I would've crumbled to bits if it was any other way - especially since I had to deal with the huge obvious blow in the past week.

Well, I don't blame the doctor.

I feel gratitude, in fact, for everything that has happened, no matter how shitty I felt along the way. It was something I knew - deep inside - that I needed. Then again, I wish this isn't a stage where I'm challenging God to how much I can really take. I honestly do NOT want to go further, I mean, enter into more scary stages or something. I think I've had enough to experience for a lifetime .....

Somehow..... whenever I say stuff like that, God surprises me. HEY. *sigh* OTL no one can win God la, hor? If it must be done to tear my pride and trample on it then, fine, it has to be done because ultimately, I want a relationship with God, not with pride.

I think I should've named this post rollercoaster ride instead. Hah! Ah well, I'd better go do qt and quickly turn in! I gotta get up pretty early - for me - tomorrow to prepare for my date with my babes! ;D

New iPhone 4G/4S cover!
And here's a pic to end off this post! It's one of the two gifts (the other one's a key pouch sorta thing) Ben's parents gave to me as belated birthday presents..? :p :p *awww*

Till the next post! :D
