A post today

A post today

And so, I decided to blog today. Apparently, things have been pretty floppy recently, and I haven't really been in the mood to blog either. It's either too happy/tired/sad to blog. =.=" Ah well. Lazy's also a factor in all three of them anyway.

My holidays are coming to an end! I'm currently rushing an assignment now.. Writing a song surrounding the concept of GREEN. And I've chosen to write a story about jealousy/feeling like crap. Or somewhere along those lines. In case some of you might've been thinking by now, nope, it's not about a real-life situation (ben and I), so don't you worry there. I'm just someone with a pretty wild imagination and really love to act out scenes that seldom/don't happen in my life. I really wonder how it's like - sometimes - to feel that way; going through certain situations in life.

That aside, I've been enjoying work to the fullest - surprisingly. It's my first time in an FnB job and it really isn't as bad as it seems - perhaps to me, 'cos I don't think my standards are set that high at all. After all, I'd been looking for a casual job (flexible schedule) 'cos I wanna have some free time of my own since it's my hols... Some people have been telling me it's not worth it (seeing the injuries I get from it and all), but I guess I'm not really staying there for experience of an FnB job anymore, I guess it's now more of the people there. Some may call me silly or stupid, since for most jobs, managers just put on a front and be fake in front of you and pretend to me nice and all... Still, I appreciate what they do - yes, even if it's a fake front - and besides, until I find out for myself that it is, I'll take it as genuine. I love the people there and how family-like it is. It's not fake, according to my intuitions, and I do believe there are jobs out there similar to this (the working environment, I mean). I'm glad God has placed me here because although as much as I did think of the gross eeky environment I might have to work in, it taught me what was more important and I'm glad I learnt important things through this job. Yes, the job that left me with scars to remember my history working there. *sigh*

Lately, I've been watching a lot of "bubzvlogz" and the recent vids are about her honeymoon (5 episodes). I think that she and her husband are such a cute couple! I like her positivity and her active lifestyle, of which I'm trying hard to adapt, but seems pretty impossible unless I rearrange some priorities.... and.... um... I don't think I'll be quite happy anymore if I do. Sigh. I wish for 30 hours in a day. But yea, if that's possible, not only do we have more time, but seriously, everyone would die at the age of 30 trying to work our butts off. Welcome to Singapore. A country striving for excellence and progress. Anyways, I'm quite liking how she's rubbing some positive influence on me. Like, literally this positive happy aura all over me although it's just through a video, you know. I mean, how on earth can anyone be so happy to get up in the morning and go, "It's a beautiful, beautiful and sunny day! :D :D" -_- beautiful? here? um.. how 'bout, no. And sunny? ... *turns on air-con, draws curtains and buries self under a blanket*

Yeah, you could say I'm a stay-at-home, potato-couch, developing-a-tummy-soon person, although yes, I'm still young. I'm developing a tummy. *sigh* SOMEONE DRAG ME TO THE GYM, PLEASE. T_T

I'm gonna be open here. don't judge me.
Another reason why I decided to blog was because recently I have been feeling pretty upset about something and it's got to do with the same issue some time back, a few days before my birthday. I found out I had a certain virus that will live in me forever and I'm like... um... okay, so my parents never knew they probably had it and passed it to me when I was young, kinda thing..? Okay... Nonetheless, I shan't say much because although I know it's highly contagious, there's a certain period - and way - for it to be passed on to someone else, and don't worry guys, trust me, I will never pass it to you. I found out that whatever this virus would cause wasn't as serious as I thought it'd be, as long as I don't pass it on to my kids in future - since now that I know of it, I should be more aware.

Anyways, here I am blogging ... - time now is 3.17am - when I'm supposed to be sleeping. I think this is why my mood is affected every time I wake up haha. Thanks to my whacked up sleeping cycle, I think it's really affecting my lifestyle. ): Sighs. Gotta get up for work tomorrow. I guess I shan't type anymore. More updates to come! :)
