

I'm prolllly gonna have a bad habit of procrastination now. hehe, wanted to take a bath after getting dinner with my dad but I've been pretty anxious as to whether my school's blackboard's up or not yet! ): ): YES, apparently, it's down due to some maintenance.. and it's been like this for HOURS.. My lecturer's gonna kill me when he sees zero entries for my blog. OH GOSH. THAT ENTRY COULD'VE BEEN LIKE THE EASIEST TO SCORE TO CONTRIBUTE TO MY BIG BIG GRADE. T-T mummy, why?

Well, it's been almost a week since my mom's LOA. (p.s. she went Malaysia, it was for some ROSES retreat thing.) And I really really really miss her.. But no worries! Me thinks she's coming home tomorrow and I can't wait to see her home!! Was thinking of even making a meal for her and my dad or something hehe :p :p baked rice! yea~~ see how. Hmm.. me thinks I need clam chowder and some ham! gotta go grocery shopping~

Okay. So I've been pretty happy about learning music theory now. I FINALLY GOT THE HANG OF FOUR-PART CHORALE WRITING. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. ^-^

Yes, that's kind of the highlight of this post. hmm.. yea, even though that's not the heading... but that's not important.

Ooh and yes! today's Regina's birthday! (uh.. okay, maybe this should've been the highlight... um....) :D :D Zoey, Regina and I met up at Bugis Junction to lunch there and shop for a bit. (: Ended up window shopping, but that's alright! hehe we took quite a number of photos too actually. :D :D AND I'VE GOT TWO POLAROID PICS TO KEEP :> :> thanks guys! hahahhahhahaha sounds like it's my birthday celebration instead. ah well... We couldn't stay for long since both zoey and regina needed to head home and study for their exam(s)....


p.s. may upload some photos later! :3


Okay! photos up! :D :D

HEEHEE! And so we stopped by subway at bugis+ to kill some time...

And got a bit retarded...

This was zoey/regina's idea. I wonder what this meant.. hmm... :p :p

Can't recall what this effect was! (:

Okay, as requested, CREDITS TO REGINA PANG FOR THIS SHOT. yea, just me and a random stranger's face who happened to face the camera in that split second..
Whee! We took a last shot together at bugis MRT! We're currently promoting Itacho (i think) sushi..? LOL. some scallops behind us there... :p :p :p
That's all for this post! :D :D btw, cool function now when you add pics! hehe.
