

What of flesh and blood
So precious and dear
but whose heart grew cold
Dark, sinister, and full of fear

When questioned with no hidden intention,
Deep within her rose red anger
The battle had only begun,
But I've failed to remember

What of flesh and blood
So precious and dear
What could I have done
To make your vision clear?

Were it by my hands you fell
Or by your heart you betrayed?
"My own life I propel,"
You exclaimed, but inside, you were afraid...

We are of flesh and blood
Very precious and very dear
Had you forgotten all these years
I'm always here, always near?

When your friends left,
When that man shun you that day,
Was not I who had been open
Even til this day?

Lift your head up,
You're not alone
Even when we're all grown up
Or even I you disown

I'll always be that stubborn me
Whom you always see as your shadow
Walking behind you with glee
As if there's no tomorrow

CHECKMATE! Yumeitto .
