Recent change

Okay, for those who might be wondering why a change in my blogskin, here's a short explanation: Apparently I found out ever since the new format of the webpage of blogger, they've edited my html and my bold words aren't blue anymore. Neither are my italic words pink. I felt like everything just went down the drain when I tried restoring the original template back. cheat my feelings. still said they got original template with them. -.- where? gone. sigh. I've to start from scratch. So, I guess that's the assignment for this week! restart a new blogskin, add in all my details and what not. I shan't add in a tagboard because I'm really too lazy to go to the website and get the html.. and no one's really typing in it, so..... yep! well, I wanted to share a video and a post about yesterday's sermon that the COR youth's pastor preached.. But, I guess I'll do that in the next post. Alright then! That's all for this post, I shall end here because I need to rush to school now :p
