Hope ;;

Building up confidence, hope & trust in God..
It was really freaky . I realise that I was the last person to be tested on that day, as seen in the paper signing thingy . It's there for like, well, attendance thingy, sign against name lo ..
Then I was brought to a room to practice . I SAW MY JUNIOR!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Man, she playing grade 5 and grade 6 . Bu cuo ma! (:
Then practice and practice . her time o go outside and wait was 4pm . Apparently there was some delay and she went out of the room at around 4.15pm I think . Then mine oso delay . So instead of waiting 10 minutes before 4.45pm - I think - I went OUT at 5 pm .......
Then I sat there, still looking through the scores for 'si duan jin' ... Yong le was before me and while I was actually practicing, she told me that THUM wanna pass on this info to me : need to be prepared to answer some questions . He'll ask a lot of questions de . Then I damn scared, so I asked zhu lao shi . Then she tell me a lot of things and i just give her blur look -_-" omg, I'm so NOT ready!!!!!!!! ...
Then the moment came ... Well... Yong le came out with two packets of sweets and I saw WANGWANG! haha .. Well, earlier this morning I asked Guofang for jiao bu, cos I need . Then she told me that she heard the lao shi very nice . And so he was O.O
So I played, with confidence . I prayed throughout the 'mo li fen fang' song .. I was so desperate to do my best . I don't care whatever result I get . I just want to do my best so that I feel happy about it - even without seeing my result . I was very happy indeed, when he commented on my two songs that I played .
I played 'mo li fen fang' first, so... yeah . Then, 'si duan jin' .
He said that comparing both songs, my 'mo li fen fang' was the better one . He said that it was very very good . And so on .. and I realise he only say good stuff, sigh, I wanted to hear the bad . I just know it . I mean, about 'si duan jin' being not-so-good ... ):
In the end before handing me the sweets and candy and WANGWANG! biscuit, he said that he is honoured as it is very rare to meet one of these kind of students that show this kind of biao xian lah . Then he recommend me go China and learn . And I was like .. thinking, "that was the same thing THUM recommended or rather, offered guof and I to do - go China and excel in guzheng .."
He was talking in chinese and you know, my chinese ain't that good and I can DIE listening to every word he said . I just simply nodded my head and smile ==" GAWD! Pathetic ...
But I figured out what he was trying to say lah . Like, I shouldn't waste anymore time, I should excel in guzheng no matter what, that kinda thing . Well, sigh, he doesn't know I like piano too :\
gosh, trapped . What should I excel in? Guzheng? Piano? Man.. this is difficult .

Building up confidence, hope & trust in God..
It was really freaky . I realise that I was the last person to be tested on that day, as seen in the paper signing thingy . It's there for like, well, attendance thingy, sign against name lo ..
Then I was brought to a room to practice . I SAW MY JUNIOR!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Man, she playing grade 5 and grade 6 . Bu cuo ma! (:
Then practice and practice . her time o go outside and wait was 4pm . Apparently there was some delay and she went out of the room at around 4.15pm I think . Then mine oso delay . So instead of waiting 10 minutes before 4.45pm - I think - I went OUT at 5 pm .......
Then I sat there, still looking through the scores for 'si duan jin' ... Yong le was before me and while I was actually practicing, she told me that THUM wanna pass on this info to me : need to be prepared to answer some questions . He'll ask a lot of questions de . Then I damn scared, so I asked zhu lao shi . Then she tell me a lot of things and i just give her blur look -_-" omg, I'm so NOT ready!!!!!!!! ...
Then the moment came ... Well... Yong le came out with two packets of sweets and I saw WANGWANG! haha .. Well, earlier this morning I asked Guofang for jiao bu, cos I need . Then she told me that she heard the lao shi very nice . And so he was O.O
So I played, with confidence . I prayed throughout the 'mo li fen fang' song .. I was so desperate to do my best . I don't care whatever result I get . I just want to do my best so that I feel happy about it - even without seeing my result . I was very happy indeed, when he commented on my two songs that I played .
I played 'mo li fen fang' first, so... yeah . Then, 'si duan jin' .
He said that comparing both songs, my 'mo li fen fang' was the better one . He said that it was very very good . And so on .. and I realise he only say good stuff, sigh, I wanted to hear the bad . I just know it . I mean, about 'si duan jin' being not-so-good ... ):
In the end before handing me the sweets and candy and WANGWANG! biscuit, he said that he is honoured as it is very rare to meet one of these kind of students that show this kind of biao xian lah . Then he recommend me go China and learn . And I was like .. thinking, "that was the same thing THUM recommended or rather, offered guof and I to do - go China and excel in guzheng .."
He was talking in chinese and you know, my chinese ain't that good and I can DIE listening to every word he said . I just simply nodded my head and smile ==" GAWD! Pathetic ...
But I figured out what he was trying to say lah . Like, I shouldn't waste anymore time, I should excel in guzheng no matter what, that kinda thing . Well, sigh, he doesn't know I like piano too :\
gosh, trapped . What should I excel in? Guzheng? Piano? Man.. this is difficult .